Chapter Seven: Opportunities & Problems

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     She knocked on the door, trying to stand as confidently as possible.

     "Come in," the groan-like voice called from inside.

     Gently, she opened the door and stepped inside the empty classroom. "You wanted to talk to me, sir?"

     "Yeah, sit down," he gestured at a desk. His eyes didn't leave the paper he was reading until she was fully seated. "So, your quirk is Werewolf? Hmm. Very versatile, I'll admit. You seem to have good control as well."

     She squinted at him for a moment, then blinked slowly. "Thanks," she chuckled, "but I really don't. People can easily shake themselves from my control, the transformation times vary wildly, and I've even had some people be immune entirely. know how werewolves in myths always lose control during the full moon? I get urges to transform whenever under moonlight, whether the moon is full or not."

     He nodded. "Listen, I said you seemed to have good control, not that you had absolutely perfect control. Your quirk will still be useful in many situations. However, I did notice that your clothing did present a problem."

     Her hand raised to rub the back of her neck. "Yeah, it does. I don't tear my clothing like in movies, but it certainly is inconvenient. I have to eat constantly, too, in order to make sure I have enough energy to transform if I need it."

      "Well, I have a solution to one of those problems," he said, leaning back and tossing a sheet of paper in front of her. "You had your costume designed yourself, correct?"

     "Yes, I had it commissioned by a company in America, why?" She picked up the paper and glanced over it. Her face lit up when she realized that it was a costume design form.

     "Our costume design agencies recently hired someone with a unique trans-mutational quirk. In combination with a programming quirk, they were able to come up with the technology for a costume that can transform using voice recognition. After some in-lab testing, they asked if any students would be willing to try it out."

     She beamed, eyes wide in excitement. "Of course I will! What do I have to do?"

     "Just design a costume as normal, then design another costume for your other form. Since it's still pretty new, they're only able to have it change from one thing to another and back again. The form should explain everything. Have at it, but be quiet. I'm going back to sleep," he said, pulling a random yellow sleeping back from under his desk and stepping into it.

      "Thank you so much for this opportunity, sir!" She said cheerfully, clutching the piece of paper with excitement.

      Sinking back into the chair with relief, she picked up a pencil and started sketching out an idea for the special costume.

    Now that she could choose any type of clothing she liked, what should she pick? Her mind flipped through ideas that she could do, but none of them seemed like the logical thing to pick. She'd grown quite attached to her loose, comfy shirt and flowy skorts. They didn't protect much, but they were comfy and easy to maneuver around in.

     It was settled. She would stick with her look.

      Not so fast. She bit her lip as she read the line saying: At this time, outfits must be one-piece or connected in some way to the various parts. Apologies for any inconvenience.

     Drat. Now she had to think of something different. Tapping her pen on her lip, she thought of ways she could make a cropped shirt, skorts, and tennis shoes into a one-piece outfit.

     And idea crossed her mind, and she cackled with glee as she drew up a design. Suspenders on the skorts and tights with garters would make it so the outfit was workable. She marveled at her self-labeled brilliance, admiring her sketch.

     Now to just pick something that would make sense for a wolf to wear.


      His pen tapped rapidly on his notebook as he gazed out the window at the drifting clouds. Class was wrapping up soon, and he had something he needed to ask about.

     Lovette had been late for the third day in a row, and it was only two weeks into the school year. What could possibly be so important that it kept her from class? He knew it wasn't like her to arrive anything less than perfectly on time.

     Taichi glanced at her, taking note that her usually pristine appearance was again unkempt. Stray strands of hair poked out wildly instead of how they usually caressed her soft brown skin, her eyes looked tired, and her tail drooped loosely instead of being perky and fluffy like it almost always was. If she wasn't wearing the uniform, he would say she looked almost like a hobo.

     She glazed her fingers absent-mindedly over a pink, heart-shaped pendant on a silver chain.

     "Alright, class dismissed," Aizawa said, shoving his belongings into a bag.

     Lovette immediately stood up, slinging her bag around her shoulder.

     "Hey, can I ask you something?" Taichi asked in Japanese, since he found out she could speak it. He still wanted to practice his English, but he always felt like he could express himself better speaking his native language.

     After a quick glance around the room, she nodded. "Sure, what is it?"

     "Do you mind me asking why you've been late so often these past few days?"

      She bit her lip, her eyes dropping to the floor. "I've...been having a few setbacks in the past few days. Some...issues with my quirk," she mumbled in a low tone.

     "I understand," he nodded. "Is it anything I can help with?"

     Her eyes met his, her eyebrows lowered. "I don't think so."

     "Well, can you at least tell me the problem? Maybe I can help, or at least give you advice."

     She sighed slightly, taking slow steps to the door. "You remember how I told you that I get urges to transform under any kind of moonlight?"

     He nodded.

     "Urges. Under moonlight. Usually I can control it if I have enough willpower and some distractions, or if I just close my curtains and don't go outside." She gazed at her hand, which was resting on the door post. "For the past three to four days, I've been transforming without notice and without me doing anything. No moonlight involved, whatsoever. I just...turn. It's completely involuntary. The worst part is...once I transform, it won't let me turn back until morning."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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