Nate Xpress Interview on the C.L.O.N Show Season 1 (Pre-Episode 11.)

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Nate Xpress himself takes a seat, as he is with Ron, an interviewer. 

Ron: Hello everyone reading, my name is Ron, and I'll be interviewing Nate Xpress!

Nate just waves at the camera. 

Nate: Hello...

Ron: Ok. Hello to you to Nate. Anyways we are just going to get RIGHT into the questions. My first question Nate, is what INSPIRED The CLON Show? 

Nate: Easy. Arrested Development. 

Ron: Arrested Development?!

Nate: Yeah. I was watching the people's situations, and was like..."how can I work this into a series?" So I thought of the friend group I've been with the MOST recently, and boom! 10 episodes later, here we are! 

Ron: That's interesting! 

Nate: *quick nod*

Ron: Ok, next question. If there is a Season 2, what will you do differently?

Nate: *sigh* Oh man, probably a lot. We will still have CLON members dicking around with eachother, but also have character development. Some members, and people OUTSIDE the CLON are UNDERDeveloped...and I'll probably include LESS Inside Jokes, because you can't run a successful series with a LOAD of them. Plus if this ever breaks out...well, the jokes can land to people discovering this. Some of the INSIDE jokes don't even land. I'll change that too. 

Ron: Hm. 

Nate: So question. 

Ron: Alright. Now why is this series as wacky as it is? 

Nate: Oh, the WACKINESS! We were getting into this eventually *tiny laugh*. So, these past episodes, and the remaining ones, will go down as bizarre. We have underwater sea monsters for crying out loud! And a talking seal! 

Ron: Pretty crazy. 

Nate: Yeah. That's another thing I'm gonna kinda tone down just a bit. The people you can most relate to don't have superpowers. 

Ron: That's what about that architect building arc? What's going on there? 

Nate: THAT? Well that's easy. I watched Seasons 1,2, and half of season three of The Office, and I was entertained. But if you DO go to watch it, watch "Diversity Day," and "Basketball." The onky two standits In Season 1 for me anyways. 2 and 3 are the best. 

Ron: So The Office made you do this? 

Nate: Yes. And no. 

Ron: No?

Nate: No, because i was talking with some others made out to be butt monkeys, and they didn't exactly want that. Crim kept falling down the stairs, and got ran over by Noah, but had a surprising lack of character, so I gave him this arc to make his CHARACTER a bit more relatable, but also a fun character. So he went to the architect building, and that allowed me to test my creative juices a bit more. 

Ron: So that was a good thing? 

Nate: Oh yes. I feel Charlie has been called a bootleg Michael Scott, and I think for now that's fine, because I haven't REALLY fleshed out his character yet. Same for Nathan, though you can tell he won't be a Dwight. Dwight's crazy, and views the world as Survival Of The Fittest.  Nathan's the opposite. Sort of. 

Ron: The people upstairs? 

Nate: I'm fleshing out Flynn a bit right now. Murphy's personality is known but Casey's, and the interactions the 3 all have, haven't EXACTLY been seen yet minus a couple scenes. So I'll have to develop the Rodgers. 

Ron: Now I remember, the character of Chris Sullivan wanted a spin-off. And you probably do too, right? 

Nate: Trust me I do, But I don't know the stories I Exactly want for that yet. If we have a Season 2: don't be shocked if you see them again.

Ron: Alright, And a final question. 

Nate: Hm?

Ron: ...When's the finale? 

Nate: Episode 11 I don't want to drag out this season. So I think 11 episodes would be THE perfect end to it. 

Ron: Episode 11. Noted! ..anyways Nate thanks for your time!

Nate: No problem. 

Nate and Ron get up from their seats and shake hands. Nate walks out as Ron shuts the camera off. 


Episode 11 is in progress! 

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