Pt1 whats Rodan and Mothra hiding?

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(PS is the photo better for a cover then the one that I putted right now?)

Okay, first of all yes I do ship King Ghidorah x Rodan okay? Don't judge me T^T sooooooo this is a little suprise uwu hehehe and yes me being me of shipping the two is in a relationship and also Mothra with Godzilla and Mothra and Rodan are having the same problem to let everyone know uwu

<>= challenging or something else
[]= Alpha call or single, ordering

Third person POV (with Rodan)

People where around the bird studying him "anything yet?" a doctor asked "nothing, it's been the same for the past weeks his schudle is now Sleep for a very long time, and eat. Nothing like flying nor going to the Alpha call" a scientist said checking her clipboard "so just eat and sleep? Nothing like hunting or flying around nor listening to the Alpha call?" the doctor asked "nothing, it seems like he's getting sick or to old to do anything maybe hibernating" "well the old part I could get, but we don't know what will cure a Titan and it's not even winter" the doctor said "maybe the other titans know what to do" the female Scientist said "but how is he eating without hunting?" he asked "well, the people are giving him food because this was starting a couple of weeks and he was starving so they thought he was hungry" she said "this is very strange for a Animal, and did you think about anything that might be causing this?" he said "well, maybe a Titan is trying to search for a new home or nest, challenging him or maybe sick and like i said early, hibernating?" she said "maybe he's just sick right now.....if we can only Communicate with these Titans" he muttered as the two watched as Rodan sleep.

With Godzilla

Godzilla was in the sea going to see how the other Titans where doing, maybe he could finally see why is Rodan not coming to the meetings or listening to the calls, he heard a little song and looked up "Mothra!" he said, Mothra then landed on his back "hello Godzilla" "what are you doing all the way out here?" "well, to come and see you" she chirpped "you?" "checking up on everybody, maybe I could finally see why Rodan isn't coming to the meetings or the calls" he answered "uh, he hasn't told you guys yet?" Mothra asked "what do you mean?" "well.....maybe you should hear- I mean, see it for yourself" "k?......" Godzilla was curious of what she meant by that, then they saw a yellow dragon flying "Ghidorah!" Mothra chirpped, the hydra stopped and turned to look "Oh hello!!!" Kevin (or San) said "what are you guys doing out here?" Godzilla asked "well, going to find out why Rodan is not listening to our calls and what's up because we haven't seen him in about couple of weeks" Ni said "you?" Ichi said "Mothra came to see me, I was going to check on everybody else and also find out why he's not coming" Godzilla answered "uh, almost the same reason" Ichi said "and somehow Mothra knows what's going on" "really? Then tell us!" Ni demanded "I can't! Me and Rodan both told our secrets of what's happening and we swore we won't tell" Mothra said "and why would you do that?" Kevin asked "because, we both have the same problem and where not ready to tell anyone right now, and soon you'll find out" she said "welp, which first? Rodan or the others?" Godzilla said "Rodan" the two said (Godzilla and King Ghidorah)

As the three reached Isla de Mara

All the people qucikly took cover in the bunkers when the three Titans arrived "good thing there taking cover, because where going to have to walk through this place" Godzilla said "well, you have to. Me and King Ghidorah could just fly over there" "haha I get it you two have wings and I don't -_-" he muttered "well, see you there!" Kevin said and the two flew away. It took a bit for Godzilla to come "took you long enough" Ni said "shut up" he muttered "anyways-" Godzilla looked at Rodan "how did he not wake up from all that? I made heck of lots of nosies!" "uh, he's a more deep sleeper then me when I'm in- never mind!" Mothra quickly stopped "so....does he ever wake up?" Ichi asked, touching him with his wing and no response came from the fire bird "well, there's always a time he wakes up and eats then goes back to sleep" Mothra said "that's the only thing he's doing right now!?" Ichi asked "but doesn't it take awhile for him to hunt food?" Godzilla asked "well I can see he doesn't hunt, there's a pile of food" Ni said looking at it "wow lucky....I have to hunt still..." Mothra muttered "well, is he going to wake up to get food soon?" Kevin asked "I don't know....if he doesn't then-" "nah, we have to wake him up fastly and see what's happening" Godzilla said, Ni just Shook his head "okay, I think I have a plan!"

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