First attack-Located: Tokyo

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Nobody's POV

King Ghidorah and Godzilla quickly made it to Tokyo. "can someone tell us what happened here?" King Ghidorah asked "well, there was a attack located here, one of us made it here and only the Female Muto, that's all I could say" The Spider said, Godzilla went to the female Muto and she looked shanked up and damaged "Muto, what happened?" he asked "there....was a other kaiju and....I fought it but it wasn't just a normal one, it was so different....I can't even describe what animal it is" she said "can you describe how it looks like?" King Ghidorah said "well...." she went on describing it, when she was done the two left her alone "so what do you think? You've been here longer then I have" King Ghidorah said "it's nothing that we've seen before, or even heard of" Godzilla answered "nothing you've counter before? Hm, this might be a new experience for the two of us then" he said "you've also not counter this? I thought you did with your other planet" "nope, we've never seen a kaiju like this" "Muto said she didn't finish him off, it escaped before she could take the final blow" "so where is it heading to next?"

4 days after that fight
(Authors POV)

it's been 4 days after that attack, the two Alphas haven't thought much about it. Titans need time to heal to fight again and it will take a long time, but they should care

Rodan's POV

As I layed there laying on my egg keeping it warm sleeping I had a wired feeling that something is going to happen Mothra in formed me about what happened in Tokyo. A wired looking kaiju attacked there and left Muto damaged and need time to heal, I hope that's the last that we see him I don't want it go near me or my babie, well babies I guess I don't know how much there will be in one egg,

What's that noise?! I quickly woked up and sat up I saw everybody running? I looked in the water and a huge splash came up and then a kaiju came up but it doesn't look like a kaiju I know of, well actually it doesn't even look like a kaiju! It made a other noise that's really annoying and weird! I roared back and got it's attention it looked pissed and it roared again and so did I, what does it want? Then this unexpected me it unfolded it's arms and wings pops up?! So it wants a fight! But of what? It kept roaring and so I roared back again "<get out my way! I got a misson to do!>" it said "<no! I have to stay here and protect these people!>" "<that's what that wried looking spider lady said, what's the point of saving these people?>" "<and what's the point of destroying another city?>" "<like I said, a mission I need to do>" "<and what's the mission>" "<why should I tell you?>" "<if you don't then I'll not move>" if he goes along with this I'll still not move "<ugh, your like them, fine. We've never knew each other but where kaijus like you but we've been under water the hole entire waiting for our move to get out, and where here to reset this planet to only let us be romining this earth floor>" resetting the world!? "<resetting this world?! Why would you do this?!>" "<it's our roler dession not us now move big chicken!>" I'm not a big chicken! "<why not no?>" "<you want to figtht?>" "<maybe, maybe not>" I am not sure.....I have my babie and I don't know if I'll win this fight....what happens if I don't and he'll notice my egg and he might destroy it?! I can't let him reset the world also.....I didn't even notice that he was coming this way. But I now know where the weak spots are on him thank you Muto! "<I'll fight you, if you tell your ruler he's next>" I said "<well, there is lots of us and few of you>" "<I don't care, you want a fight then you'll get it>" I spreaded my wings and he didn't spread his wings because he already have them out there is holes in them so I could take a avantige of them, I got off my Volcano and went straight to him. What suprised me was he was opening his mouth and came out blue liquid? I quickly dodged it and saw it landed on one of the buildings and it melted that part of it. Its like a Venom or Acid!

With Godzilla, Ghidorah, and Mothra

"so, FeMuto seen what this 'kaiju' could do...and we know it's a level four of how strong it is" Godzilla said "but she said it escaped before she could finish it off" Ghidorah said "so where is it now?" Mothra asked "that's the thing, we don't know where it could've went" "maybe somewhere that nobody knows?" Mothra suggested "but there's places that nobody's knows but we do know" King Ghidorah said "quick, what do we need to heal faster?" Godzilla asked "warmth!" "Fire?" "and a nice place to have to heal up!" Mothra and King Ghidorah said "yeah that's where we should start looking, I know we don't need to check under water" "wait, but there's another place that could provide those things...." King Ghidorah said "a Volcano!" Mothra said "and the only active Volcano is in.." "ISLA DE MARA!" the three said "and it's where Rodan is sleeping with the egg!" Mothra said "oh fu-" Ghidorah quickly flew off "wait for us!" Mothra said and followed him "andddd.....I have to swim all the way there...." Godzilla muttered and went in the water

King Ghidorah's POV (well more like Ichi's)

Fuck fuck Fuck fuck Fuck FUCK!! "how far do you think that kaiju is right now?" Mothra asked "maybe he's there or hopefully far enough from him!" Ni said "and what if he isn't?!" Kevin asked "why the fuck would you think about that?!" I said "I don't know I'm PANICING!" Kevin yelled you can tell in his face "just think positive! Think that where right that the kaiju isn't there yet and we can warn him and take him with us so we can protect him and the egg okay?! All happy all happy-" I'm hundred percent wrong.....well half

1. Where the fuck is Rodan at?!
2. The kaiju isn't here YET!
3. The egg is UNPROTECTED!

"Mothra go grab the egg and take it away from here, and make sure to find somewhere that has fire and warmth!" I said Mothra nodded and left to the Volcano "common, we've got to find Rodan" Ni said, we searched buildings and around the area but nothing? "there's no one or anyone here" Kevin said "of course there's not, it looks abandoned and empty..." I said "do you think he already left?" "what! You really think he just left without taking the egg? His child well- our child?! You saw he was beating the shit out of Muto that he will protect that egg with his life!" I said "I know....I just don't know what happened" Ni said I sighed, "should we report to Godzilla?" I asked "yeah-" "wait!" we heard roaring?! "WATCH OUT!" we yelled, Godzilla was still in the water and when he turned he quickly went to the other side and there came a huge splash in the water "what the fuck was that?!" Godzilla said as he got out of the water "I don't know..." I said then a huge splash came up again and we all saw Rodan FIGHTING him?!!? "he already came here before we did!" Kevin said "common we gotta help him!" Godzilla said we already know that!

Fight POV

Rodan then smashed him into a building then he did the same with him 'I wonder how you will feel with your own Venom!' Rodan thought and made him land on the building that had venom on it "UGH!" he screamed in pain "uh, I guess you can't deal with your own venom that lives in your body!" Rodan said "YOU TOOK IT IDIOT!" he said he quickly shot a small piece of venom that he had left and Rodan didn't doge it so fast he only got part of it on him and the rest he doged. "AH!" Rodan roared and held part of his face the kaiju had this as a avantge and quick pushed him into a building and quickly damage him a bit more, Rodan was now weak but still fought when he was laying down he couldn't move he looked at the kaiju "have a good night sle-" before he could finish he felt a sharp pain that continued and when he turned around he saw a big yellow dragon "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" then a other kaiju shot 'blue rays?!' The kaiju then departed (which means half of his body went off) "that's the last we'll see him"

Nobody's POV

"Kevin! Stop!" Ichi ordered Kevin has been chewing the dead body to make sure he was really dead "is he okay?" Ni asked Godzilla who's checking Rodan "Rodan's okay, he just fainted that's all" "we should get him out of here..." Ichi said "yeah, we don't know if he'll respawn or if there's more of his kind" Ichi said, Godzilla picked up Rodan and putted him on Ghidorah's back "wait how are we going to know where's Mothra at?" Ichi asked "what do you mean?" Godzilla asked "Mothra has the egg and we don't know where she went" Ni said "hm, give her a call and maybe she'll answer it" Godzilla said Ghidorah then made the singel and after a bit of minutes passed they heard a female Alpha call "let's hope it's a good place for the two of them" Ni said "are you going to come?" Ichi asked "no, I'm going to continue searching of what this is and see is there's more" Godzilla said "well....good luck to you" "you two" and like that Ghidorah left


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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