Taking a quick departure to Italy

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Rome noticed that they were heading to China, So he asked his Ex-Colony and now Best friend (Other than Germania of course) to take a quick visit to Italy. He agreed, since being a pirate, he had all the time in the world, and arrived shortly since they were close. England saw it as a chance to quickly check on India, since Rome would probably complain and want to stay with China.

Englands POV (Since we all know what would happen when Rome saw his grandsons again) 

Captain Kirkland was sailing towards India, Taking in the ocean and settling, he was deep in thought about Rome, Not in a weird way.. just in a son-like way. Once he arrived at India, he talked to his colony a bit, about trades, until a man in the distance begun running at them... and he realised it wasn't a man, but a woman. When she finally got up close, he realised who the strange woman was.


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