Molag bal X Iondarith~Unholy servant~

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It was a normal day in coldharbour. Cold,dark, and beautiful. I was busy cleaning my house when I hear a knock at the door. I go to answer it and say "hello, how may I help you?" The churl replied" You're needed. Report to the great throne asap." "Yes sir" is all that I could say. I couldn't express how happy I was! "I finally get to ask molag my question!" I exclaimed as I put on my daedric armour. Are a few minutes of fighting the belts and buckles on my armour, I grab my sword and head out the door. As I walk along the path, I realized that no one was out, usually everyone would be out to see the arena fights. "Oh well" I mumbled. I started to get bored so I unsheathed emeralda , my katana. She was a emerald, sapphire,and diamond katana. Looks like mephalas Ebony blade. I stroke the sword, saying" it seems like only yesterday I smithed you, emeralda." The sword glows in response. I had realized that I was near the great doors, so I had sheathed emeralda and opened the doors. As soon as I opened the doors a icy gust of wind lifted up my black and purple hair. My ice blue and lightning blue eyes dart around the throne room, looking for the father.of coldharbour.
"Ah I have been waiting for you, Little dragonling" " You called upon me, my liege?"
"Yes, I have a little problem, that someone of your particular talents can help with."
He says as he stand up from his throne, I noticed he wasn't wearing his loincloth. I blush, as for it was hard to keep eye contact with him. He walks over to me, and he is easily 8 or 9 feet tall, and I'm only 6'5"!
The captain of corruption picks me up and starts walking to his Chambers, as he is carrying me bridals style he the breaks the silence, " I have always like you, Iondarith, ever since you became a member of the council." "And." He continues " you're are the only one I trust the most, you are one of my best warriors, and I praise you for that."
I felt safe in his arms for some reason" molag?" I say " I too, have liked you for awhile" we finally make it to the bedroom. He plops me down on the bed " I you don't mind helping me this once, I'll make it worth your while." "Your wish is my command", I say as I take off my armour, exposing my shadow black skin. I get on my knees and lick the tip a bit. "Already hard from little kitten licks master ?" I purr seductively. Molag grabs the back of my head and shoves his cock in my mouth "suck. And don't stop until I say so" I nod and start deepthroating him and swirling my tounge across the tip. After a bit of doing that I can tell he is close. "Stop and lay on the bed" i, being the submissive woman I am, I obey.  " Is this your first time, Iondarith?" "Yes." " Ok so since this is your first time, I'll go easy on you at first, but don't expect the whole time." He says as he positions himself at my throbbing entrance."
He slowly pushes himself in and waits until I'm ok. "It feels like hot knifes are stabbing me!" I say. "It's ok, the pain will go away in a bit." After what seemed like a eon, he starts thrusting, it felt like heaven, well a twisted form of heaven, if you catch my meaning;3.
Molag pulls out, flips me over in a doggie style position, and roughly shoves himself in
"~master!!~" I moan as he thrusts into me harder. "Who do you belong to?" "Y-you" I say, barley able to hold back my loud moans.
Who! Do! You! Belong! To! He yells in between thrusts. "~YOU~" I scream, hitting my high. "EXACTLY!!" " Now get on your knees and suck until I cum" I do as he says and after sucking for a bit he cums and I swallow it. He lifts me up to take me to a wash room to clean up. It was a huge bathroom with a giant tub and sink.
He bathes me and asks " are you ok?" "Yes" I reply. Somewhat in shock he is caring. "Even a daedric Lord has their soft spots" I say, giggling. " How would you like to become the mother of coldharbour?" " I would love to!!" I exclaimed as I hugged him. " You will be promoted to daedric empress and have your own powers, such as shapeshifting" "thank you molag! I really appreciate it and I love you"

*Now Iondarith is my character. She looks like sanguine, and has one ice blue eye and one lightning blue eye. Her hair is long, black and a plum like purple. The horns off of royal daedric armour is what her horns look like. Her tail is in the shape and style of a blood dragons tail, but it is all black except for the red in between the spines. The tip of her tail has a stinger. She can change into a dragon at will. Her dragon looks like daedric armor. Hence the breed, daedric dragon. Her wings as a daedra are black with red and she doesn't always have her wings are some pics

Her wings as a dragon and a daedra

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Her wings as a dragon and a daedra

Her armour and look as a daedric dragon

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Her armour and look as a daedric dragon.
Well that is all. If you would like to make a request, feel free!

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