Chpt. 7

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Jisung walked into the house with Changbin only to find that it was eerily quiet and pretty messy, which was unusual for the house. When Jisung walked through the doorway separating the living room from the kitchen, he saw Seungmin curled up on the couch with his stuffed puppy Jisung had bought him. Jisung's heart started to hurt from both from how cute the boy was, but also from guilt. Seungmin's cheeks were tear stained and he had dark circles.

Jisung knelt next to the couch and gently touched Seungmin's shoulder and quietly whispered for the boy to wake up. He woke up and rubbed at his eyes cutely before realizing Jisung was in front of him. Seungmin pounced on Jisung and they went crashing to the floor.

"Sungie!!!" Seungmin shouted. Seungmin started to cry into the older boy's shoulder, nuzzling his head into Jisung's shoulder. "I missed you so much and I'm so sorry this happened and, and-" Seungmin rambled before Changbin cut him off. It was a habit of his to ramble and not breathe, but he also lost his train of thought a lot so he would stammer and stutter until someone cut him off or he remembered.

Jisung just smiled to show it was okay and played with the younger boy's hair to calm him down. They stayed liked that, with Seungmin in Jisung's lap while Jisung stroked the younger's hair. Changbin just sat and took pictures, and occasionally videos. After Seungmin stopped crying, he spoke up.

"Sungie do you wanna talk about what happened?" Seungmin asked. Jisung grinned slightly and shook his head. Sure his time there was scary. but the thought of Minho put a smile on his face. "Can we watch a movie then, please? Seungmin asked. The two older boys nodded and decided that they would get the drinks and snacks while Seungmin chose the movie and set up the blankets and pillows.

Once they were in the kitchen, Changbin nudged Jisung. "So, you like the boy who brought you here?" Changbin asked. Jisung blushed and shrugged his shoulders as a soft little lopsided grin made it's way onto his face. "So you do! That's so cute!!"

Jisung just hit Changbin a little and they both giggled. The good thing about Changbin was that he would only tease for a minute and then drop the subject if it was more personal.

Changbin was making 3 plates of food since they each liked different things. On his plate was a cup of rice pudding, white cheddar popcorn, a granola bar, and some ritz crackers with Nutella. On Jisung's plate was tapioca pudding, grapes, strawberries, and watermelon, goldfish, and some baby cheese wheels. On Seungmin's plate was cauliflower and celery with cream cheese, a brownie, blueberries, and peaches with cream.

Jisung grabbed himself a strawberry fanta, Changbin a can of Strabucks mocha latte, and Seungmin warmed up sweet tea. when they walked into the living room they saw Seungmin hugging his puppy as he watched the trailers for the movie play. When they boys walked in, they sat the things on the coffee table and each chose a side of Seungmin. They knew he acted tough, but he was the youngest and liked to be babied.

"What movie did you choose, Minnie? Changbin asked.

"You'll see!" He giggled.

Jisung missed this. Even if he was barely gone, he still really missed this. Jisung put up the footrest for his side of the couch and allowed Seungmin to put his head in his lap. Seungmin set his feet on Changbin and waiting for the movie trailers to pass. Seungmin also decided to grab Jisung's hand to hold and play with.

As much as Jisung loved to be babied, he also loved to baby his Minnie. Seungmin had been through so much in the past and Jisung never wanted any of that to repeat. Plus, the younger was just too adorable not to be babied.

Finally, the movie appeared on the screen. Jisung smiled when he realized that it was The Magnificent Seven. They pressed play and watched the opening scene, and Jisung made sure to hold Seungmin's hand during the murders that occurred.

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