Chpt. 10

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   "Hey, Joong?" Called Mingi as the credits of the movie ran. "Can we get a dog like Bruiser?"

   "Absolutely not."

  "But Joongie, please? Pretty please?" Mingi pleaded. 

   "No, and that's final. Now let's clean up and go discuss business, shall we?" All of the boys in the room nodded and began to clean up. Jisung folded the blankets they had been using as Minho picked up the candy wrappers that were scattered around them. Yunho came around to grab the blankets and then placed them in a closet in the room before doing the same with all of the pillows. Once everyone's trash was picked up, they made their way to the meeting room. Minho grabbed Jisung's hand as they left the room.

   "Ji! Do you wanna come with me instead of joining the meeting? Joongie says I'm not allowed to go to this one," Yunho said with a pout. "If you want to attend then you can!" He added at the end. Jisung looked at Minho who smiled and nodded, letting go of Jisung's hand before leaning down and kissing the smaller's temple, causing a blush to spread across his cheeks.

   "Go have fun, cutie!" Minho said, shooting Jisung that pretty smile of his. Jisung just nodded and grinned back as he allowed Yunho to take him to ask Changbin and Seungmin if they would like to join, and of course, they both said yes. 

   "Okay! So there are a few things we can do. We can watch another movie, bake something, decorate a tea set I've had for years but never painted, make jewelry, or build a pillow fort! Do any of those sound fun?" Yunho questioned. 

   "What if we built a fort and then painted the tea set inside of it?" Asked a cheerful Seungmin. 

   "That actually sounds pretty fun, I'm in," Changbin said. Yunho and Jisung both smiled and nodded. It was now a plan. Yunho took them to a room they'd all yet to be in that looked like a regular living room, but had weird hooks on the wall. 

   "This room is designed specifically for building forts! So let's get started, shall we?" Yunho asked as they all nodded. Yunho grabbed some blankets off of a shelf and passed them out. The boys began to hook up the blankets and drape them over the couches and chairs in the room. Once the outside was done, they added a blanket door and then got to work on the interior. They pulled out the bed in the two sleeper sofas and began to add sheets and blankets. The last step was stringing up some cute mix-matched types of string lights to add some brightness to their fort. Once it was finished, all of the boys smiled and sat on the beds. "Lemme go get the tea set and then we can start!" All of the boys smiled as the tall boy left the room.

   "This week has been absolutely wild," Changbin said as he fell back onto the bed, narrowly avoiding hitting Seungmin. 

   "I honestly don't remember most of it, but I'm okay with that," Seungmin shrugged. Jisung snickered and Changbin chuckled. 

   "At least we all found someone of interest. If not, this would have been mad boring," Changbin said with a light blush, his words causing the other two (2) to blush as well. 

   "You aren't wrong," Seungmin said with a content sigh. 

   "When am I ever?" 

   "You failed your AP physics exam because you couldn't count to four. That's all that needs to be said," Seungmin said snarkily. 

   "Hey! That was one time! I graduated, didn't I?!" Changbin huffed. 

   "Salutatorian, too. Second is the first to lose, Binnie!"

   Jisung was giggling non-stop at his friend's bickering. He found it very amusing how Seungmin could always find some way to tease Changbin and get away with it. If anyone else were to, they wouldn't have kneecaps anymore. He loved these two (2) dorks as brothers.

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