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To be honest, I've had a lot of bumps writing this. First off it's hard pulling off a project this big. Like, props to the people who've been able to do something like that and can continue putting out great works without a hitch. Writing is hard, man. Granted, this was the one book I'd told myself I would never give up on. Even though I doubt I can read back on this without cringing at all the pretentious things I wrote and the truckload of mistakes and inconsistencies in there, this book is my baby. It's been in the works for over 3 years, been through multiple versions of rewrites and replotting, a lot of painstaking research and hardwork, and I'll never unshelve it from the very special place it has earned in my heart. It's been sitting in my head since 2015, with many incarnations of Sawyer's character prior to this current one.

I honestly feel like I've grown up with my characters, and finally leaving them is so bittersweet. Sawyer pioneered my interest in exploring a world of angry girls, healing journeys, friendships, and ever since this book gained traction I've noticed other authors hopping on the trend of angry girl OCs. It's great.

That being said, I'm only sorry and a little sad that Sawyer and Oliver's story has finally come to a close. They've been my favourite pair to write from the get-go, and I can only hope that you all can forgive the multiple grammatical and spelling mistakes I'll never edit out because I never revise my stuff. There are a million and one things I would've done differently, but I doubt I'll be revising this lol.

Anyway, thanks for sticking with me through this long-winded piece of my heart. Thank you for being so patient and encouraging. Thank you, to everyone who's ever shown their support for this fic, to everyone who went back to reread scenes, who wrote long comments analysing the little things, who've mentioned that this book made their day/makes them happy, who've made fanart/edits for this fic (you can't imagine how happy that makes me!), who invested at least a little bit of emotion in my OCs and their story. I read all your comments all the time and, believe me, I know who you all are. You guys are my rock 🥺❤️


completed: 23rd July 2020

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