The bunts

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The pics above are the trixie and Katya in the story. Outfits will change but hair stays mostly the same the whole story.
I was getting ready to go to the last game of the last tournament of the season with my team 'The Bunts' consisting of me, Pearl, Kim, Milk, Shea, Dela, Aja, Thorgy and Shangela. If we win this game it means we will have placed 1st in the tournament. I am sad it's our last few games, I've grown to love every single one of us lesbians on the team.... I've also slept with every single person on the team but hey can you blame me? You can't make an all lesbian baseball team and expect us to keep our hands to ourselves. I finished up my makeup and put my hair in a quick ponytail, everyone goes to the games in a full face of makeup, we're all trying to get a girl or at least laid.

I slipped on my jersey with our team slogan 'we all bat for the same team' written across the back, it fit tight at my chest and surprisingly made me look decent. I grabbed my pink bat and glove, put on my pink vans and hopped in my car listening to Dolly Parton as I drove to the baseball diamond we were playing at.

I switched off the car and put in my ear buds as I got out with my gear in hand, it was a gorgeous day for a game, there was not a cloud in the sky that I could see. I headed to the baseball diamond

"Oh fuck sorry" I walked right into someone standing in the sidewalk causing one of my earbuds to fall out, I looked up and my eyes were met by the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. My mouth went dry and I couldn't take my eyes away from the woman standing in front of my

"No problem, you seemed to be in your own little world"

A thick Russian accent fell from the women's red painted lips and I could see flashes of bright white teeth as she spoke

I swallowed hard "uh umm uh ya I'm listening to music and just wasn't paying attention"

The women's lips curled into a smirk and I could tell she liked me being speechless over her "like I said no problem. Have fun at your game"

"Wh-What oh uh Ya thanks"

The woman smiled and her teeth were so white they almost hurt my eyes, I quickly put my ear bud back in and continued walking trying to slow down my racing heart I looked back to see the woman lighting a cigarette and looking directly at me with a smirk, I whipped my head back around and kept walking.

"Hey why you late?" Kim one of the girls on my team asked

"Oh uh sorry I just was talking to someone"

"Okay well we are just warming up right now"

"Cool thanks"

I sat down on the bench and pulled out my phone, I opened Instagram and looked through pics for awhile.
I put my phone away and looked up to See the other team had arrived and we were ready to start the game. We all got to our positions, I was on third base this game. Milk is our pitcher because she is definitely the best and it didn't take long before the other team had three outs and we were switching.

By the second half of the 9th inning the score was tied at 8-8 and my team decided to put me up to bat because I was the best on the team. I got into position and the pitcher threw the ball, I swung and hit the ball, I didn't have time to look at how far I hit it because I needed to run. I got to third base before deciding to stop because I would be tagged out for sure if I kept running. Shea batted next and she missed the ball twice before hitting it, as soon as she hit the ball I ran to home base earning my team a point putting us into the lead. Me and Shea were really the only good batters on the team so I went up to bat again, my eyes wandered to wear the woman I met earlier was standing. She was still standing there now leaning against a tree and she appeared to be watching the game, I gripped my bat tighter and got ready. The pitcher threw the ball and I hit it as I hard as I could quickly beginning to run, I could see players from the other team running our field very far and knew I was safe to keep going. My foot hit home base and my team erupted in cheers, we won the tournament!

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