The Next Day

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ik i said i wouldn't do like "Seungwoo's pov" or "Dongpyo's pov" but im going to for this chapter cause it just works out better like that (also it's my story and i can do whatever i want lol)


---------- Dongpyo's POV ----------

     Dongpyo mumbled softly as he turned over in his bed. He squinted his eyes open and was greeted by sunshine shining through the window, 'Ugh... why does my head hurt so much... What time is it?' Dongpyo stretched his arms out, 'I had such a weird dream last night... ' Dongpyo rubbed his eyes and very suddenly stopped and jolted up, 'Wait are these dried tears on my face?' Dongpyo began frantically patting around his eyes and cheeks and could feel where his tears had fallen the night before.

     'Oh no...' Suddenly the memories of what happened the previous night came flooding back into his mind. His mood instantly dropped and he wished that it could've all just been a dream.

     When they got home last night, Dongpyo had already been half sober. Dongpyo could've never done what he did completely sober, but he had enough alcohol in his system to give him a boost of confidence, but not enough to not remember. Dongpyo wasn't sure whether to be more embarrassed by his actions or sad and angry about Seungwoo's reaction, 'I can't believe he just left... I guess if I were him I would've too...'

     Dongpyo finally dragged himself out of bed and to the main room of their dorm. At the table Wooseok, Seungyoun, Hangyul, Yohan, and Junho were all groaning and trying to eat their hangover soup.

     "Hey Dongpyo, do you wa-" as soon as Dongpyo and Seungwoo's eyes met Seungwoo's faced dropped a little but he still tried to smile, "Do you want some hangover soup? It will help your head." Dongpyo shook his head.

     "Not hungry..." Seungwoo looked concerned but he just sighed and let it go. Dongpyo sat down next to the others and laid his head in his arms. 

     Dohyon stuck his tongue out at Dongpyo, "Ha! Who's the nerd now? I may not be an adult but at least I'm not hungov-" Dongpyo raised his head to look at Dohyon who stopped talking as soon as he saw his face, "H-hey hyung? Are you alright you really don't look too good..."

     "I'm fine..." Dongpyo was about to put his head down again when Seungyoun who was next to him turned Dongpyo to look at him.

     "Ah." Dongpyo raised an eyebrow confused, "Say ah." 

     "Ah?" Dongpyo hesitantly complied and as soon as he opened his mouth Seungyoun shoved a spoonful of soup in his mouth. Dongpyo's eyes widened from the sudden taste in his mouth.

     "Good, now eat more, we don't need you dying on us." Seungyoun smiled and patted Dongpyo on the head. Dongpyo looked down at the bowl of soup and sighed, 'Fine... but only because it doesn't taste that bad...'

---------- Seungwoo's POV ----------

     Seungwoo laid awake in his bed staring at the ceiling. He wasn't able to fall asleep since he left Dongpyo's room last night, there was just too much on his mind, 'I know Dongpyo did what he did because he was drunk, but what's the reason for why I almost reciprocated? I didn't even have one drink...'  

     Seungwoo lightly touched his lips, thinking back to their kiss, his face heating up a bit ' How do I feel about Dongpyo? Wait- what kind of question even is that, I've always just thought of him as my son...' Suddenly thoughts of Dongpyo's cute laugh and adorable sassiness swarmed Seungwoo's mind. He couldn't help but notice how his heart began to beat faster.

     Seungwoo jolted up and went to wash his face with cool water, 'I don't know what you're thinking, but stop it.' As Seungwoo left the bathroom he came into the living room to find their manager trying to get Wooseok, Yohan, Junho, Seungyoun, and Hangyul through the front door without anyone falling over. As soon as Seungyoun made eye contact with Seungwoo he glared and stumbled towards him grasping his head.

     "YAH!" Seungyoun yelled. Hangyul hushed him with a death stare since his loudness was not helping their hangovers. Seungyoun bowed slightly then glared at Seungwoo again and whispered, "yah! we all know Dongpyo's your favorite but did you really have to go as far as only bringing him home? Do you have any idea how much my neck hurts right now?"

     Seungwoo weakly smiled, "Sorry about that, how about I make it up to you with some hangover soup?" Seungyoun thought for a second, thinking about if it was worth it.

     "Hmmm sure yeah that works." Seungyoun rubbed his head, wishing the headache would go away, "Anyways, wheres Dongpyo? Is he up yet?" As Seungwoo was prepping ingredients, his heart sank a little.

     "No, I don't think he's up yet..." 

---------- 30 minutes later ----------

     Seungwoo had finished making the dish for the others, but Dongpyo still hadn't gotten up, ' Maybe I should go check on him... ' While Seungwoo was deciding if he should or not, the door to Dongpyo's room opened and a smile appeared across Seungwoo's face.

     "Hey Dongypo, do you wa-" as soon as Seungwoo met Dongpyo's eyes, he could tell that Dongpyo hadn't forgotten anything. Seungwoo tried to maintain a smile, "Do you want some hangover soup?" 

     Seungwoo's heart ached when Dongpyo refused, ' Is he still mad at me? What should I do? Should I approach him first? No... I should just wait for him to approach me... I don't want to make him more uncomfortable and in pain then he already is... '

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