Episode 1: Ray Watts

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"Dude, Ray! Wake up!"

A high school student groaned tiredly thanks to his habit of drawing superheroes and reading new comics that were released recently. He opened his eyes, stretched, and yawned. His tired eyes look over at a tall chubby guy with glasses and bushy brown hair. This is Charles Oxford. His one and only best friend crossed his arms in annoyance. Ray knew where this was going.

"Umm. School?" The now awakened boy asked. His name was Ray Watts. A major comic book nerd, with a collection that would make Stan Lee, proud.

He dreaded the word. School for Ray was similar to a prison sentence. His grades weren't the best, and he has to deal with bullying, constantly.

Charles nodded "Now take a shower and hurry the hell up! We got an hour before school starts." He leaves Ray's bedroom clearly annoyed by how messy it is.

Ray looked at his alarm clock and growled to only see it was four o'clock School doesn't start until five thirty.

"Jack ass." Ray muttered getting up grudgingly looking at his bedroom. It wasn't small or really the biggest. He has a laptop over at his desk surrounded by torn paper, comic books, pencils, pens, and some of his dirty clothes. Then he saw his TV with his Playstation 4 hooked up to it wishing that he could skip school to play it. His bed was just below one of the windows where the city of New Hope was as loud as ever.

He walked over to his messy closet and pulled out a brown jacket, white tank top, blue jeans, underwear, white socks, and his favorite Jordans shoes, and a towel.

Before he left his room, He stared at his bookshelf full of comic books about all kinds of heroes; Superman, Spiderman, Hulk, Batman, Helloboy, Spawn, etc.

"I mean who wouldn't read these awesome hero stories."

As he left his bedroom to see Charles getting every neat and tightly with his Japanese Cartoon or 'Anime', comics or 'Manga', and movies. Ray didn't get why he likes that weird stuff, but he tried not to judge. His bedroom is basically like Ray's except less messy and no Superhero comics. Ray shrugged and walked past his room and the kitchen and living room hybrid to open the bathroom door.

Ray and Charles live an two bedroom apartment. Thanks to Charles full time job over at Sherlock's Tinkering and Electronics and Ray's part time job as a Electrician at Edison's Electric Company. Their money wasn't too bad for bills.

After he took a short shower, got dressed, and stared at himself in the mirror.

"I'm pretty handsome if I do say so myself!" He said with an arrogant tone. In the mirror he saw his appearance. simple short brown hair, green grassy eyes, and a nice smile.

"Hey idiot! Its 4:30 let's get going!" Charles shouted packing up his book bag their living room. Ray rolled his eyes and grabbed his book bag with his school note books, school books, and one of his favorite comic books; The Amazing Spiderman Issue #1! This was his literal childhood given to him by his Grandfather.

Ray, knowing they were about to leave...but usual Charles takes forever to get ready. He picked up the remote and turned on the TV.

"And now our top story. Crime scenes are popping up all over New Hope City, with the victims being brutally dismembered. The culprit is thought to be The Dragon Vilagante. A serial killer, who has been linked to near a hundered different murders. The victims are mostly thought to be members of the Black Triad. Citizens are advised to stay indoors after ten o'clock, and if anything is known about this person, please contact the authorities immediately." A female reporter on the HOPE NEWS Channel 98...Nothing hopeful about a murderer going around killing baddies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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