Chapter 1 ♡

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Sun, sand, seas. Everything about Bondi is perfect. It's the first day of summer, December 1st 2014. While being faintly like my hometown on the Gold Coast, the sight, the smell, just everything in front of me was beautiful. At the age of 18, I've graduated highschool and decided to take a year off to focus on myself and who I want to be before I begin university. But little miss me, better known as Millie Grace, doesn't have one clue who she wants to be. So, what better way to express myself then at the place I've always dreamed of travelling to? Where I have only been for a day and already feel safe, like it's my home and nothing could possibly go wrong.

I took a deep breath, feeling my royal blue one piece tighten around my chest. "Here I go," I said to myself under my own breath. I ran down the scorching sand, seeking a place that wasn't taken by tourists, drunken idiots or lifeguards patrolling on buggies. I finally found a place at the south end of the beach. Boy, it was a long walk to the flags.

I thought I'd let the crowds die down a bit, or at least wait until hightide. At the point of hightide, the rips wouldn't be hard running and tourists would flee from the flags to swim in the most dangerous part of the whole beach, as they always do. I grabbed a book from my "Billabong" beach bag and began to read, letting my mind sink further and further into the storyline.

Harrison POV

11am, been on the job for 5 hours already and my eyes are staring to burn from the glare. Although I was on tower duty, I couldn't have been more excited to get out on the beach. It was only half an hour before I was scheduled to be on patrol at the infamous 'backpackers' rip. I loved backpackers; plenty of rescues and time to show the bosses what your made of when 'backies' is where you're stationed.

"Hoppo to central." A call came over the radio, more sudden than I've ever heard it. Bruce Hopkins, better known as 'Hoppo', is the boss in the Waverly Council Lifeguard Service. Well... almost. He works for Waverly Council, and we work for him. 'We' referring to myself and my fellow lifeguards.

"Go ahead Hoppo, this is central." 'Central' is better referred to as the lifeguard tower. However, us lifeguards use it because there are actually 2 towers on Bondi, and the main one is in the centre.

"I'm coming over to do your 11:30 shift at 'backies' because Max Ayshford is going to the doctors to be cleared for the comp this arvo," Hoppo began. Hoppo works in his office, all day, every day, over the road at Bondi Pavilion, meaning if he ever needs to come over for an emergency, he's right here to help. After hearing about my shift change, I cursed under my breath, so that Yatesy didn't hear me. He was on tower duty with me and he's a veteran lifeguard; wouldn't want to be cursing my lungs out in front of him I guess.

"Yeah, copy. I guess there's aircon," I said as I laughed through the radio. He laughed back and said, "Oh how the times may go." I really had no idea what that meant, but I went along with it.


It was now just passed 12, and I was starting to get a little overwhelmed about being in the tower. I didn't want to do it anymore, but I had a job, and I had to do it. I started scanning the beach for the millionth time, but this time, something caught my eye that I hadn't seen the other thousand times of scanning the beach. A beautiful, blonde haired girl, was laying down on her stomach, spread over a pastel yellow towel. Without realising, my jaw dropped. Yatesy had to push it back up into its place, jokingly of course.

"What's caught your eye Hutzy?" he asked, eager to know what I was so fascinated about. I smiled to myself. Working on Bondi, Bronte and Tamarama, you see many beautiful girls. Although, this one was just different. I wasn't even sure what it was about her, but I couldn't stay staring at this girl for too long, or someone would drown.

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