Chapter 3 ♡

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Harrison emerged from the water, droplets of salt water dripping from his golden-brown hair. He walked over to me. "Now, that's impressive." He smiled and pulled his phone out from the pocket of his jumper that I was wearing and gave me puppy eyes jokingly as he held the phone in front of me. "Alrighty then," I chucked my number and address into his phone and handed it back to him. He kept shyly staring at the ground. "I should get going. See you tonight at 8." I smiled and started walking away but I felt a cold hand pull me back. "Please don't go. Stay for the party. After all, you did catch the wave of the day." I felt reassured by his presence, nothing could've been better. "You don't want me to be late, do you?" I asked him, and he laughed. "You know, I've barely known you for 2 hours and I already feel like more than friends." He held my hands, pulling me closer and closer to him. "Well this doesn't happen to every girl that comes by Bondi," he pulled me closer by my waist, we were now only inches apart. I couldn't describe the feeling. I felt like crying and cheering at the same time. "No," there was a long pause. "It doesn't." We began to edge closer and closer to each other. I wrapped my hands around his neck but before anything could happen, a voice blared and interrupted what felt like the best moment in the whole world.

Harrison POV

I've tried so hard to just kiss her and really show her that I want her. It may be too soon, but it's what I want, and I can vaguely see she wants it too. We get interrupted each time, maybe it is too good to be true. Or maybe it's just not meant to be. My mind is running in circles, my thoughts bouncing from each corner of my brain. I tried to calm myself down, then finally realising that she's right next to me took my mind away from my dreadful thoughts.

Millie POV

"Wrap it up kiddo's," I heard Harries call out to us. We back off from each other, realising how we stupidly didn't think before doing it. He wrapped his arms around both of our shoulders. "We have a party to go to!" he laughed evilly and funnily. We all gathered outside of the tower and poured drinks for one another. Harries and Mouse were in charge of the radio and to be honest, I didn't know if that was the smartest or the dumbest decision someone has ever made. "Let's get this party started!" Mouse yelled over all the noise. He began to play the chorus of 'Stay the Night' by Zedd.

Are you gonna stay the night? Doesn't mean we're bound for life. So, are you gonna stay the night?

Everyone began singing the lyrics and after we all ended our frenzy, we all broke out into dancing and jumping happily. Jake came over to me and started to dance with me. "You know, Millie, you's would be a cute couple." He shouted over all the noise and I could only just hear him. "What do you mean?!" In all honesty, I knew exactly what he meant, I just couldn't admit to that.

He could tell I knew what he was talking about, so he gave me a look. "Are you kidding me?" I shouted. "I've only known him for maybe 2 hours. What makes you think we would be a good couple?" I did see the chemistry between Harrison and I, but maybe it was too soon to admit that I was developing slight feelings. Jake began to answer, but I wasn't focusing on him. I'd stopped dancing and I caught myself staring, but I couldn't bring myself to look away. His emerald green eyes sparkled as he danced with everyone and became increasingly drunk by the second. We made eye contact and he started to make his way over to where I was standing. Jake clicked in front of my face to get my attention. "Are you okay? You were in one hell of a trance," he began to say to me. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just don't know how I feel about staying here. I think I should go." Jake stuttered as he tried to stop me from leaving. As I passed the drinks, I snatched a bottle of vodka that everyone was sharing, although they didn't notice.

Harrison POV

I didn't want her to leave, but she made it seem as though I was the reason she began to walk away. What impression did I give off?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2019 ⏰

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