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Zachs POV

I felt so different

I felt so lost

My mind was changing

My mood was changing

Everything was well


And it scared me, because I knew I was falling into deprission, something i didn't want at all, it was because of all the hate, and recently our bandmate corbyn had gotten throat surgery so we were in and out of the hospital visiting him and it was so annoying I'd legit kill him myself.

I knew corbyn and jonah had something, they were always together, always flirting always posting about each other, but I was in love with corbyn, it made my anxiety go through the roof, then the hate ? Yah it didn't help at like all

Later that day we into the hospital, I was on the verge of crying, I was scared to go out in public afraid of being shot, or hurt in some other way.

I yelled at jack the whole way there. What ? He was being an annoying scum bag. We arrived eventually and when we got into the hospital corbyn was crying in pain. He's so stupid, crying would hurt your throat even more dipshit. Like duh.

Of course jonah went over there and helped him calm down, I knew my depression was getting worse, all I wanted to do was go into my room with all the lights off and cry, kinda like what I do when I have a migrane.

Corbyn was talking to the guys and I went a wall, full on, I blew up, seeing my crush cuddling with someone else was making me fall into depression worse and worse every god damn day.

Corbyn, legit no one cares why the fuck your in the hospital, like there's no point of fucking tweeting about, your stupid god damn surgery no one GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU.! I said all that immediately regretting it after, I ran out of the room knowing I wasnt going to be able to fix this problem.

"Zach, wait, zach stop" I knew it was jonah so I stopped. "What, was that for, what is going on with you" He said it calmly, probably because I hate being yelled at.

I can't do it anymore jonah, I know I have depression, I know it, seeing corbyn gives me more depression than I need, it hurts, I never meant to hurt him I swear, all I wanna do is stay in a room all day and cry, I don't want to eat anymore, it hurts jojo it does. I said sobbing, while jonah pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay, were always going to be here for you brother, we all love you so much, corbyn does too, daniel jack and zach do too, limelights love you, we all do, you'll get through this. I promise. He said hugging me.

The next past months turned out pretty good, event I started cutting my self, so I went to a theripsist, and stopped being depressed, and I got the man of my dreams, no not corbyn sillies. But eben, he kinda reminds me of corbyn a little

Obviously, jonah got corbyn got together which hurt more than ever at moments, but I know no matter what, the guys, my best friends, my brothers, will always love and support my decisions, and so will the limelights.

I know this wasn't that long as the others, but im trying, people keep requesting shit in my personal messages, so this was a request. Send more !

Till next time...

(Also read my corbyn besson sickfics, I like them more than these ones, heheheh)


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