wdw.<losing a friend>

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for corey🕊💙
type: sad and fluff

suffering. that's the way the boys where feeling.

the house was filled with non-stop crying and filled with pain.

the cries of pain could be heard from miles away.

today was the day each boy had to say goodbye to their beloved friend and supporter. the boys of the house were getting ready for corey's funeral and to say goodbye to someone they loved so dearly.

corbyn lied in his bed staring up at the ceiling as memories from their trip to hawaii took over his thoughts. he felt tears fall down his face, then let out a loud sob.

this happened every night since that night.

every boy would lay in their bed and remember the best moments they had from corey.

daniel remembered the time corey had let him shave his head completely bald and yelled at him every second for it.

god he wished he could go back to that day.

or the day, him corey and corbyn went out to eat at a nice restaurant and corey got them kicked out.

god weren't they mad.

daniel missed every single moment he shared with corey. corey taught him how to live better and feel better about himself. he taught daniel how to be there for someone when they need it and how to open up and express himself more.

now here he was getting ready for his funeral as silent tears fell down his tears stained cheeks once again. he fixed up his suit and grabbed the piece of paper that had his speech on it and walked out the door.

he walked into the hallway meeting the face of a distressed zach. he smiled at zach, who immediately ran into his arms clutching onto daniel.

daniel had to be strong.

"shhh it's okay zach. calm down bud. im right here okay? where all here buddy" daniel said hoping to calm zach down.

"coreys not" zach said making daniel frown. he pulled zach in tighter, wanting to hold the younger one in his arms for a lifetime.

jack then walked out of his room, seeing daniel holding zach. he frowned and joined the hug.

"i miss him" jack said tears falling of his own.

"he would want us to be strong guys. he wouldn't want us sulking over us death. he'd want us to be happy he made it this far." daniel said.

jonah then someone how joined the hug too. holding all the boys in his arms. sobbing loudly. all the boys heard a whimper and they all looked up, to meet eyes with a saddened blonde.

jonah reaches out and pulled corbyn into the hug also.

so now here they all where. on the floor holding onto each, as if it was the last.

"i-i-i hate this" corbyn spoke up, eyes adverting to the floor. jonah pulled him into a side hug.

"we all miss him. we do. but today is the day we say goodbye to him. let's save the tears for the funeral"


as each boys arrived to the funeral they where greeted by corey's parents and security guards who where keeping the fans away for the property.

jonah let out a huge breath before entering the funeral home.

they all say by each for support.

as the funeral started, each boy was fighting battles in their head.

as soon as the funeral started, the speeches began.

"corey was the best son you could ever ask for. i will never forgive myself for teaching him my bad ways, of drinking. or letting him move out. now that he's god. it really makes me think of how many people truly loved him. my son was a star in real life and now he's a star in the afterlife. thank you" lisa coreys mom spoke.

it was now corbyns turn and he could will himself to stand up and give a speech. but he knew he had to.

corbyn walked up and started speaking.

"dear corey, there's a lot i wish i could tell you, but we have oh so little time. i love you. you where the friend everybody wished they had and the guy everyone could count on. your smile was so fucking bright and it made me happy. i remember the day i told you i had a crush on jonah and you encouraged me to ask him out. i got mad you mentioned it to him. but now i am so thankful. without you i never would of told him. without you, my life would be awful.

you taught me many things corey, expect how to live without you.

i know i will figure things out, and i know everything will be okay. because i know you're still here. i may not be able to see you, or get to you. but you live inside my heart. forever and always." corbyn spoke bringing people to tears.

jonah got up and and grabbed corbyns hand, leading him to his seat. as they both sat down. daniel got up.

"these past few days have been a struggle, for each and one of us. each of us in this room has now have to live without such a beautiful soul. ive corey for a while now. he brought so much joy into my life. the amount of things corey did for me, would be unbelievable.

he has taught me everything i know. he used to tell me how he loves to sing and it was quit funny" daniel chuckled out. "he was very talented and very pure. he was always honest, even thought it hurt sometimes. i know corey is gone, but like corbyn said, he lives within us and is protecting each and every single one of us no matter what.

i may never forget pulling you out of that car. and i may never forget the memories we shared. but just know corey, i love you. don't change it to a "loved" because i love you." daniel spoke as he sat down.

jack and zach where a wreck. they couldn't bring themselves to give a speech if their lives depended on it.

jonah just stayed seated, wanting to go home and cuddle his boyfriend and cry into each other's arms.

after the funeral the boys crammed into the car shoulder to shoulder.

each boys was laughing and smiling.

they all knew their best friend was gone.

but they knew he would always be protecting.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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