There he is, in the 'gate-less' cell. Striving and vociferating for that priceless thing every being yearn for; freedom. Passers-by were perplexed. Wondering while watching him from afar, as he struggles in pain and anguish. Clamouring desperately for liberty, when the exit of his cell is without a gate. It got them calling him all sort of names.
Many went away with loathing feelings. Some left, nodding in pity for his "stupidity" and few stayed to see what ends the scene. No one went close to him to see why.
What they did not see is that, he has shackles around his neck, wrists and ankles affixed to anchors on the wall— that has been the reason for his struggling. Even though the exit of the cell is wide open, he isn't free.
Sometimes we expect people to break free from their miseries, to use their strength and resources at their disposal to get themselves out of their predicament while we watch them from afar, making different assumptions.
But why make assumptions while we can go closer to find out what the barrier between them and their freedom is. Maybe they need you to help unshackle them before they can walk out of their 'gate-less' cell free.