Chapter 3

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HEY! thank you to the few people that have been reading. PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS!!! PLEASE, it'll make me feel special. and I really want to know what people think about the story, because I dont want it to be a piece of crap. :3 So. Yeah. leave comments! send some ideas! kthanksbai!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Amelia xx

Emma's POV

Amara, Macie and I were on our way home from Nando's. We were really sad we had to leave, the boys were so much fun! But we all had to work in the morning, and it was getting pretty late.

Right as I got to my house, my phone rang. I looked at the caller I.D, and almost dropped the phone. Niall was calling me! I tried to calm down a little before I answered it, so I wouldn't sound like a freak and embarass myself.

"Hey Niall!" I said. crap, was that too enthusiastic?

"Hey Emma, sorry for bothering you but me and the boys were wondering if you, Macie and Amara wanted to hang out after your shift tomorrow?"

"Yeah, deffinately! That would be fun! Should we meet you somewhere?"

"Actually, we can pick you up from work, if that's okay? We kind of have something planned for you guys" He said with a chuckle. What did these boys have planned...? I was extremely curious.

"Alright sounds like a plan! I'll let the girls know, and we'll see you tomorrow!" I said. I was glad nobody saw me, because I had a huge goofy smile on my face. Niall and the boys wanted to see us again. And Niall called me. On my phone. Okay, I'm gonna stop freaking out now.

"Alright love, see ya then. Bye!" He said, making me smile even bigger. "Bye Niall," I said, and hung up. I walked into my house, and my mom could tell something was deffinately up.

"Why are you smiling like that? and where have you been? I thought you only worked until 3!" She half-shouted at me.

"Mom, jeez. Calm down! I said, laughing at her seriousness. I explained the story of how I hung out with my favorite boy band in the entire world, smiling like a weirdo through the whole thing.

After I was done telling her the wonderful story, the first thing she said was, "So, are you dating Niall yet?!" I laughed; she knew how much I loved Niall...I talked about him constantly. I also played One Direction's songs so much that even she knew every word to every song.

"No, mom. I'm not just gonna throw myself at him like a little slut. I want him to actually like me." After hanging out with him and actually seeing him in person, I really did like him. Not as Niall Horan from One Direction; just as Niall Horan, a normal teenage boy from Mullingar, Ireland.

I decided I should probably text Amara and Macie; I figured I'd have tons of texts from them. Well, Macie at least. I took out my phone, and sure enough. 15 new text messages, mostly from Macie. The texts from Macie were all just freakout texts.

I sent them a text telling them how Niall called me, and they wanted to pick us up tomorrow, because they had something "planned". They instantly replied, sounding just as excited as me.


I got up the next morning, extremely excited for today. We were hanging out with the boys again! But first I had to go to work. Thankfully, I was working with Macie and Amara today, so it wouldn't be that bad.

I spent a while deciding on my outfit; the nice thing about working at Forever 21 is that there are no ugly uniforms. I straightened my hair, and put on some makeup. I usually get ready faster than this, but I wanted to look good when the boys pick us up later.

I decided I would pick Macie and Amara up, since we were all working the same shift. As soon as Macie got in the car, she started gushing about Harry. "Oh my gosh dude, I can't believe they want to hang out with us again!" she yelled. "I know, I know! This is all just so crazy!" I said.

It really was crazy; like how often does your favorite band just happen to show up in the store you work at, and invite you to dinner. This is some crazy shit.

We were almost to the mall, when my phone started buzzing. I was driving, so I asked Macie to check it. She looked at the screen and screamed. "OHMYGOSHEMMANIALLTEXTEDYOU!" I don't get why she was freaking out so much... like yeah I was excited, but Macie is just crazy sometimes.

"He did? What did he say?" I asked. Macie was too busy freaking out to tell me, but luckily I found a parking spot. I stole my phone away from her and read the text: "Hey Emma! Me and the boys are excited for later! are you and the girls ready for our big suprise? ;D - Niall xx" Aw, he was such a cutie! I quickly texted him back. "Hey Niall! We're super excited, but I'm a little worried about this so-called suprise. it better not be scary! :P"

We made our way into work. The mall wasn't as busy today, since it was a sunday. We started counting down the minutes until our shift ends; I really wanted to get out of there and see the boys!

Finally our shift ended at three. Right when I was gathering my things, my phone started ringing. "I bet I know who that is!!" Amara said excitedly. I answered my phone and sure enough, I heard an Irish accent on the other end. I put it on speakerphone this time, so the girls could hear.

"hey guys!" we all said at once. "Hey! We're waiting by the back of the mall in the limo; we didn't want to attract too much attention. Are you guys coming?" "alright, we'll be there in like, three minutes!" I said, cheerfully.

We ran through the mall, and out to the parking lot. There was a black limo pulled up to the curb. The boys must have seen us, because a window rolled down and Zayn's head poked out. "VAS HAPPENING?!" he yelled to us. We freaked out at eachother and ran over to the limo.

I sat between Niall and Liam, and Macie sat between Niall and Harry. Amara was about to sit between Harry and Louis, but Louis said he wanted to sit next to harry, so she sat between Louis and Zayn instead. Amara gave me a look that said, "oh my gosh its real!" referring to Larry Stylinson, of course.

"So girls, how was work?" Liam asked us. "It was pretty boring today. We didn't have to hide any boy bands in the store," I said, jokingly. "We did see a guy that looked a lot like Justin Bieber, though!" I saw Niall perk up when I said Justin Bieber. It's so cute how big of a fan he is of Justin!

"Sooo guys, where are we going?" Amara asked. I was hoping one of the boys would slip and tell us, because I really wanted to know too! "We're not going to tell you! That's why we said it's a suprise. Silly girl!" Louis said to Amara, making her laugh. "gosh, fine! be that way!" she said. Those two were so cute. They really need to end up together.

We sat in the limo just talking and joking around for a while longer, until we felt the car stop. "WE'RE HERE!" Louis screamed at us, and I jumped. Damn he can be loud! "Yes Louis. We know. You don't need to make the girls deaf," Liam said with a chuckle. We got out of the car, and looked around. I couldn't believe what I saw. We were on the set of their new music video!

"So girls, we have a favor to ask of you." Harry said sweetly. "Would you pretty please be in our music video?"


Did he just ask us to be in their music video?

"Wait what?!?" I asked him, extremely suprised. I thought we would just be watching them film it, and don't get me wrong, that was pretty exciting.

"Pleease be in it! You guys are perfect for it," Niall said. He was begging me to be in his music video. I swear I'm dreaming right now, this can not be real life. I looked over at the girls, and they had the same look of excitement and suprise on their faces. When we caught eye contact, we all smiled.  "Lets do this!" said Amara.

I have to admit, I was nervous. being on camera wasn't really a comfortable thing for me. I hated when people took pictures of me, but now I was going to be in a music video that the whole world was going to see.

Niall must have seen the worried look on my face. "You'll be great, love. I promise! just have fun. I'll be around you the whole time," He said with a smile. He made me feel a lot better. I still couldn't believe I was going to be in a One Direction music video, with my best friends!

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