Bible and Divinity of Jesus

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None of the Bible 's Writers Believed That Jesus is God:

Christians and Muslims both

believe in Jesus, love him,

and honor him. They are,

however, divided over the

question of his divinity. Fortunately, this difference

can be resolved if we refer

the question to both the

Bible and the Quran, because,

both the Bible and the Quran

teach that Jesus is not God. It is clear enough to

everyone that the Quran

denies the divinity of Jesus,

so we do not need to spend

much time explaining that.

On the other hand, many people misunderstand the

Bible; they feel that the belief

in Jesus as God is so

widespread that it must

have come from the Bible.

This article shows quite conclusively that the Bible

does not teach that.

The Bible clearly teaches that

Jesus is not God. In the Bible

God is always someone else

other than Jesus. Some will say that something

Jesus said or something he

did while on the earth

proves that he is God. We

will show that the disciples

never came to the conclusion that Jesus is God. And those

are people who lived and

walked with Jesus and thus

knew first hand what he

said and did. Furthermore,

we are told in the Acts of the Apostles in the Bible that the

disciples were being guided

by the Holy Spirit. If Jesus is

God, surely they should

know it. But they did not.

They kept worshipping the one true God who was

worshipped by Abraham,

Moses, and Jesus (see Acts


All of the writers of the Bible

believed that God was not Jesus. The idea that Jesus is

God did not become part of

Christian belief until after the

Bible was written, and took

many centuries to become

part of the faith of Christians.

Matthew, Mark, and Luke,

authors of the first three

Gospels, believed that Jesus

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