Chapter fifteen

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- Ella's pov -
I peek from my bedroom to Taehyung's room. I saw Taehyung is talking with unnie. They looked serious. I walk to their room quietly and eavesdropping them.

Taehyung: you don't need to worry. I bet he's gone.

Jennie: gone like what? Disappear and coming back? I'm scare Taehyung.

Taehyung: then what do you want me to do?

Jennie: I just stay by our side. Me and Ella need you.

Taehyung become silent and sigh. Then he look at unnie again. He cares unnie's head.

Taehyung: I will. But for now you need to stay in this room and do not walk outside or anywhere without my permission. Understand?

Unnie smile and nod. They hugging.

I thought...

“ what's wrong with unnie? Is something bad will happen?”

Tommorow , 9am
I got dressed and woke early today because I want to make pancakes for Taehyung and unnie.

I walk downstairs and saw a maid there. I walk to her and she look at me smiling.

Maid: miss Ella? What are you doing here?

Ella: I want to make pancakes.

Maid: but you can't you're still a kid.

Ella: but I really want to because I want to make it special for unnie and Taehyung.

The maid seems frown but I just push her away and take out the ingredients I need to make pancakes.

- Jennie's pov -
I wake up by the sound of phone ringing. I look at my right and saw Taehyung sleeping. His phone was ringing for about 3 minutes and didn't stop.

I wake him up by throw a pillow to his face.

Jennie: Taehyung! Wake up your phone is so noisy!

I saw his eyes open and I continue to sleep.

- Taehyung's pov -
I woke up when Jennie throw a pillow to my face. When I fully wake up I look at my phone and saw 5 missed call from Namjoon hyung.

At first I want to ignore him but I pick it up eventually.

Taehyung: hello hyung. What do you want?

Namjoon: Taehyung, I need you to come here now.

Taehyung: what? Why? I'm not working at your company anymore and what do you want?

Namjoon: Taehyung. I am sorry. I hire you again.

Taehyung: what?

Namjoon: look I know you will be shock hearing this but I really need you.

I look to my left and saw Jennie staring at me wondering.

Taehyung: umm okay. Okay I will go.

Namjoon: thank you so much, my brother.

I end the call and look at Jennie.

Jennie: who is it?

Taehyung: my brother.

Jennie: what did he said?

Taehyung: he want me to go to his company now. He- he hire me to work there.

Jennie: huh?! Then go!

Taehyung: but-

Jennie: no buts! Now go wear your blazer and drive to the company.

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