Chapter seventeen

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- author's pov -
Jennie staring the burial deeply as her mind was memorizing all her times with Ella. Her tears streaming down washing half her face. He didn't wipe it and feels her body being hug by someone. She didn't move. Her dad asked the people to buried Ella in Korea so Jennie could visit the burial always. She don't have to move back and forth to America.

Taehyung:'s my work time. We should go.

Jennie didn't answer at first. She sobs.

Jennie: you can go first. I still want to stay here.

Taehyung moves to her side and looking at the burial. He looks back at her.

Taehyung: staying here doesn't mean you can bring her back, Jenn. She's gone and you have to move on.

Jennie: it's easy to say! You don't know what it feels to lose someone you love! You never understand!

Then Jennie make her way to the car. Taehyung sighing and following her into the car. She jump in the car and look out the window. Taehyung look at her and start to drove off.

Arrive at the house Jennie just stomped in the house didn't talk with Taehyung. She just go straight in Ella's room and close the door.

Taehyung still in the car as he was watching Jennie get angry.

He didn't know what made her angry so he just shrugged off and drove to his office.

Jennie was sitting on Ella's bed and try hard not to cry. But she just did.

She cry over and over until see falls asleep on the bed.

7 pm

Taehyung got back from works and went into the house. He didn't heard any sounds so he think Jennie was sleeping.

He walk upstairs and go to their room. He didn't see Jennie's figure on the bed and search for her everywhere in the house. He went everywhere in the house but don't see any sign of Jennie.

So he just got idea and go to Ella's room. He went in and saw Jennie sleeping on the bed soundly.

She must be tired.

Taehyung go inside and sit next to the figure. He cares her hair softly. She did move a little.

Taehyung: I'm sorry for your lost, baby. But Ella is gone now. She must be really sad if you being like this.

Taehyung fix his eyes on her sleeping face.

Taehyung: I did saw a letter that she wrote for you. I read it and I know what she wanted.

Jennie open her eyes a little wanted to heard what Taehyung said but he didn't know that Jennie awoke.

Taehyung: I really loved Ella just like I loves you. She is like my sister that I wish I could protect her from any day but I... can't. I broke my own wishes.

As he was saying this his tears appears and Jennie can hear him sobbing.

Taehyung: I know this is not the right time to say this but...will you be my wife, Jennie?

Taehyung looks down but can't see that Jennie had her eyes opened. He stop crying and wiping his tears.

He was about to got up but suddenly he feel his hands being grab and he stop. Slowly he turned around and seeing Jennie hold onto his hands and look at him with puffy eyes.

Jennie: I do.

Tommorow 8 am

Jennie making breakfast for Taehyung as she was waiting for him to get down. When done cooking she serve the food on the table.

Taehyung walk in the kitchen and smile as he saw the food.

Taehyung: smell good. Thank you, honey.

Jennie: you welcome.

Jennie smile back to him. Taehyung took a sit and Jennie help him to put the food on his plate. Suddenly Taehyung's phone ringing. It's Namjoon.

Taehyung: hello, hyung.

Namjoon: Tae, did you have a meeting his morning?

Taehyung: no. Why?

Namjoon: oh it's nothing. Because someone just told me to call you and get you here now.

Taehyung: what? Who?

Namjoon: umm I don't know but the caller is from...near your house, I think.

Taehyung frown and look at Jennie. Jennie look at him too.

Taehyung: umm I don't know hyung. Let me just get there really quick and discuss about this.

Namjoon: okay please afraid he had bad intention to you.

Taehyung: okay.

He end the call.

Jennie: what's wrong, baby?

Taehyung: hyung said someone call him to get me to my office today but he didn't know who so I need to get there now.

Jennie: okay then go!

Taehyung: but are you okay if I'm leaving you?

Jennie: it's not like this is my first time staying alone.

Suddenly Jennie remember about Ella and looks down.

Taehyung: hey baby. I'm sorry.

He getting up and tapping her back. She trying not to cry and smile to Taehyung.

Taehyung: I'm going now, okay?

Jennie nods as Taehyung kiss her forehead and cheeks.

Taehyung: I'll be home at lunch.

And he go.


Jennie close Ella's room and lock it then she puts the key in the drawer at the living room.

She sat on the sofa and watch drama.

She needs to move on and start a new life with Taehyung...just like what Ella wrote.

It's almost lunch and she was cooking the food and calling Taehyung.

Jennie: hey baby! Where are you?

Taehyung: I'm on my way, why? Miss me already?

Jennie: no! I just want to know if you're on your way back because I made your favorite food that you can't even live without it.

Jennie giggles.

But suddenly she heard the doorbell ring. She end the call and done cooking.

She walks to the front door and  nervous to open it. She look out the window and seeing a man with black leather jacket. The man was tall and had his head down. He was standing there waiting.

She thought maybe it's a new neighbors or something so she just open it.

She regret open the door.

Jungkook: hey, miss me?

That's what she heard when everything went black and her body collapse.

To be continue~

A short part, right?
Don't worry cause this book just left 2 parts only. So leave a vote and comment if you like nor don't like😬

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