The Gaze And The Bunn

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                        🗝First Gaze🗝
_____________Amazing Gaze

Is this stalking?, he wondered as he comfortably lounged at the school canteen enjoying the view.
Sure it had been going on for a while now, from the first day he arrived to school actually.
That day when he didn't know anyone, and was looking around seeking for that kind soul that usually eases your way through the awkwardness of being a new-come.
This curly blonde boy had caught his attention, bearing a frown and an overall grumpiness demeanor, a perfect example of what he was not looking for. That right there. As a matter of fact he decided to study him some more in order to have a clear depiction of the kind of subject he was most definitely not searching for.  Also, it would be best for his own image if he closed his mouth now which had somehow in the process dropped down a bit. Then he laughed, not him, the boy, that also deserved studying for a while, so he could recognize it when he saw it on the right subject for his actual quest.
All this vital data would be subsequently stored, in the favorites folder of his brain for future reference, alongside with a few stick notes due to further proximity required research ie, where his eyes green or brown?, had he no upper lip?, and ah...yeah.
He closed his mouth.

So, probably not...about the, you know...the stalking; /Your honor, I was just chilling there, legs crossed on top of a coffee table (a very common chilling position you see), the kid just happened to be across the room in front of me, and../ Oh.. ok, thank you feisty girl accompanied by non other than Sana; her presence activating a stingy flashback which he rapidly discarded. So, after all, he did know somebody here; she hadn't acknowledged him, but he hadn't taken that as a sign of hostility from her behalf. He tried to avoid assuming what her thoughts could be about what had happened. Maybe he would get to talk to her sometime, he wasn't sure how he felt about it, and for the moment he just couldn't be bothered with it.
Them coming to talk to him had served as an intermission of that rant that had been going on in his head. He had yet to come up with a better self defence if he was to convince "the jury" and himself even of his own innocence. Especially if evidence was found of him skipping class to follow the boy into the canteen, the alibi of his presence there being just coincidental would crumble down for sure.
Anyways, did he hear her say she would invite all students to that awesomeness of a kose-group-whatever meeting?
As he nodded and smiled politely to the talkative girl, he deemed having a quick check on the boy necessary; and if he had at any moment really paid any attention to what she was mumbling, he was most definitely not doing so after catching those allegedly green or hazel eyes fixed on him! (As strikingly marvelous as they were he had never gotten as close as to check the colour, he was working on it though) To then quickly stare down leaving him in a turmoil of emotions, entering a wormhole of stillness for an undetermined yet rather short space of time, or so it felt; and if he was to be honest with himself with a feeling of abandonment, which he, himself found a tad excessive given the circumstances. Nonetheless, setting aside the suffering for later; Excuse you?! What? Yes indeed!, he was very much gazing at him! For how long? No idea; he had been pretending to listen to that girl, oh! She was still there! How persistent! He related. Even convincingly promised he would attend the.., party?; and as much as he appreciated her being there when that joyful moment occured, he now needed her to part company. He had to analyze that gaze, break it down to pieces, make a gif out of it and post it on tumblr for the sake of science and posterity.
Feeling a bit over the top excited, he eased himself, before the fear of it being just a random stare or any sort of auto sabotage his brain could come up with took place. He knew what he saw. He would never forget it, as no one who would have ever witnessed it would.*

_________________The Bunn

After being satisfied by his promise the girl finally got on her way, moving on to no better location than to the object of his affection's table.
This was proving to be a good day, the best day so far. He couldn't help let a snort out though, when he saw all the boys grimacing and uncomfortably twisting and turning on their sits, probably, no!, surely not knowing how to politely get out of it unharmed.
The boy on the other hand was sending another vibe, thinking it, it seemed. He couldn't claim to know him at all, for his, yet to be proven otherwise "not stalking". He would have been a little disappointed if he had sensed any kind of excitement in him about it. He looked, as if he was leaving it to his friends to decide whether they would attend or not.
He couldn't help but rejoyce in the idea that they might be somewhat together in this, both of them complying for a onesided very-much-top-secret reason.
Or maybe he was just delusional making stuff up left and right. Bah.

The boy, the one that he had not long ago found staring, was back to torturing the bunn in front of him like he had been doing while his friends talked about something that seemed to be of no particular interest to him.
At the risk of sounding to himself as a drooling mess he had to take into account how mesmerizing that creature was. A mental sigh materialized.
The boy then took a bite of what he imagined would be the part of it which didn't urge him to be teared apart like it had done something personal to him, the part that was lucky enough to be eaten.

And then, to reinsure that THIS was in fact a great day, he witnessed and got a spongy feeling in his chest, as one of his friends, the blonde one, took his bunn away and gave it a bite. The horror! If looks could kill that blonde would be R.I.P-ing, and the courage the teen displayed by toying with it after being scolded was admirable, if he was to exaggerate to make his point.
Could being grumpy be adorable on a person? Was that a thing now? It was HIS thing now.

*and we haven't 💛
Vilde's voice got him to look his way and for that we love you 😊

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