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Sam come on i am bboooorrrreeeddd
I want to go to the park

To bad I don't want to go to the park
No-no Ellie I am sorry i-i didn't mean please dont cry
I walked out of the bathroom looking better I hoped
I saw 2 people I young woman and a man they looked kind

The woman's name was rosa and her husband Victor they took me to there van i admired the sticker on the bumper

"I am a foster mom whats your superpower"

They where talking about how they where foster kids to and how they got a boy around my age about a month ago. They talked about how it going to be rough at first but this family was really good

They said that I was sharing a room with Darla I wounded how old she is. We drove off and I had my backpack with some of mt clothes,my comics,my bennies and a couple of pictures of me and eille. My eyes where red and puffy not to mention I was in bad shape i was beat up pretty bad, i got a gash in my side bruises are forming all over my body i got a black eye but this is after i clened myself up it was way worse berfore, everything was worse before


*sigh* " good job Ellie you lost tillie again"
"No i found her she was by the door "

I woke in shoke there where cold hands on my cheeks
"Sweety what happened to your eye"
"Oh i am fine it has happened before" shit that was not supposed to come out off mouth
"Don't worried sweety it's ok I will patch you up when we get inside"
Oh we got "home" it is a beautiful house 2 story house with beutiful Windows
"When we get inside it is a bit of a zoo in there so be ready"
"Oh ok"
We get in side and i see a little boy in the, I guess the living room
Hehehe nice Minecraft but he is Eugene ok one of 6
I see a cubby boy walking by
"This is Pedro"
I waved and he gave me a nod
I see a older girl mabe 18 or 19 on her phone laughing at something probably some friends.
"That is Mary "
"Hi you must be Sam welcome to this crazy family"
" nice to be here "
Better then on the streets staving and cold
"Ok sam lets get you pached up first take your jacket off and let's see what we have here"
She pull out a first aid kit and i take my jacket and then my hoddie off
"We are going to have go clothe shopping you need more clothes
Oh my- what happend sweety you have cut wounds all over your body"
"I ran in to the wrong person "
After lots of pain killers she finshed and brought me some more clothes a shirt that has a superman symbol on it and hoddie that is a dark blue i changed real quick and then hoped off the counter but as soon as i steped on to the ground my ankle gave out on sent a wave of pain thought my bodyand i fell on my butt
"Oh what happen?"
"I twisted my ankle"
"Oh hold on let me bandage that "
She put a brace on my ankle and helped me walk to the living room and sit down on the couch
I see a poster COVER in glitter that says "welcome home Samantha"
They mispelled my name you some one younger then me
Then i see a little girl run up to me

Freddy Freeman (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now