A Butlers Journal

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A butlers journal

Mehhhh it's probably really bad. They're all probably gonna be bad. I just really wanted to write!!! Some things will be the same as in black butler, some may be similar to the actual show, and some may be completely different. But we're all here for Sebastian and Ciel.

And this was my first time ever with one like this .-.

(POV- Point Of View)

Ciels P.O.V-

"Sebastian!" I called out happy from my bed. Seconds later my beautiful butler came strolling in with a silver cart.

"Yes, my lord?" He asked as he stopped by my dresser to pour me a cup of tea, not once glancing up at me.

"Did you hear it?" I asked.

His face looked confused while he placed the expensive cup in a saucer.

"Hear what, my lord?"

"Thunder." I stated. "It's goring to storm!" I said excitedly. Yes, I have always enjoyed listening to the sky as it rained. The mix of thudding droplets and booming air is wonderful together. I was not to found of the lighting though. As long as I avoided to look windows, I enjoyed it.

I grabbed the tea cup off the nightstand and took a sip.

"Mmm.." I gave a pleased remark to myself at the taste. I saw Sebastian tense a bit.

Just as he opened his mouth to speak a loud boom of thunder entered our ears and Sebastian jumped, he quickly had his hands over his ears. I smiled at the sight. He looked like a scared child with his hands over his ears and his eyes shut tight. When he realized it was over he cautiously put his hands back at side and bit his lip. He muttered an apology and I laid my now empty tea cup beside me.

"I did not know to where so scared of storms Sebastian. I guess I just haven't been around you during such an event." I said.

He frowned at me and gave a small jump at the next little sound of rumbling. It wasn't here yet, but it was getting close. I smiled up at him. How cute.

He glanced up at me and was puzzled for a second. "My lord, you're smiling." Sebastian stated.

"You're just so cute." I said. His eyes widened for a moment and was followed by a soft smile landing on him lips.

Sebastian's P.O.V-

I smiled and reached over to grab his cup. My master called me cute, I like that. I do try. It was obvious my lord was excited about this storm, I on the other hand wasn't to found of it. I suppose everyone is afraid of something. I walked out of the room with the cart and made my way back to the kitchen.

I checked the other servants and decided I wanted an excuse to go see my lovely lord. I sighed and just continued to dust the books. He is so adorable when he is excited. I felt my heart speed up when I had seen his smile. For the first time, a real smile. It suited him well. It made me happier knowing I was the cause of that smile. I felt the floor beneath me vibrate. I froze, I new what was coming next. I quickly covered my ears at the noise and I jumped at it anyways. I bet it's getting bad out there... I brought my shaky hands down from my head and attempted to continue dusting. Just as I had my hand up the sound rose again and my actions repeated.

Look at me, I'm being silly. Even my young master handles thunder better than I. I heard the rain suddenly start to pound on the roof of the manor and I sighed. I can't finish. I turned and walked out of the study, as I walked to my room my mind wondered to my young master. He was probably having a blast with this. I straightened up and kept my hands flat at my sides as I walked. I pushed my door opened and walked into my room. Only to find my master laying back carelessly on my bed. I felt my heart stop for a moment. What was he doing in here? How long as he been here? What is he looking at? That's when I realized, my book.

"Young master!" I nearly shouted and ripped the book from his hands. He looked up at me shocked and I immediately regretted what I did.

"Sebastian!" He shouted clearly angered with my actions. My heart dropped.

"How much did you read young master?" I asked as hugged the book to my chest.

His face softened. He sat up and swung his legs over the side.

"Sebastian I did not know....." He trailed off. How I felt.

"I did not intend for you to find out, My Lord." I said ashamed. I took a step back from him and sat the book on my dresser top. My hands were still shaking.

Ciels P.O.V-

Maybe I should give him the rest of today off. It's been quite a while since I've seen him rest. I know he's mentally freaking over a small storm. I walked down the empty, dark hall and thudded down the stairs to show myself to Sebastian's bedroom. Though I've never been in there, I did give him one for a reason. I opened his door and half expected to see him. Hmm. 'He must be off cleaning or something similar...' I thought to myself and looked around his grey room. I smirked at the photograph of me on his wall.

I scanned through his drawers and looked over his neatly made bed. Theres a lump under underneath his covers. I tilted my head in curiosity. I sat on his soft bed and lifted the sheets to find a small brown hardback book laying there. I laid back against his pillow and picked up opened up the first page.

' I can not stand to see Lady Elizabeth always so close to my master. I feel like she knows I'm in love with him. If so, then how? It's as if she's rubbing it in. She has my lord all to herself. But young master belongs to me, I care for him to much to let that girl take him."

I paused, shocked at this. In love with who..me? That couldn't possibly be. I sighed and continued reading.

Most pages where similar. From what I read so far, all but one contained me. And that one was all about Sebastian's love for cats and how he wished id allow him one.

"Young master!" I heard and felt the book being torn from my fingertips. How dare he!

"Sebastian!" I shouted but all my anger went away when I glanced up to see his sad, almost scared face.

"How much did you read young master?" He muttered and hugged the book to his chest. I sat up and put my legs over the edge of the bed.

"Sebastian I did not know....." I started off. Why didn't he tell me he felt this way? Was it rejection he was scared of? I guess I can kind of understand that.

"I did not intend for you to find out, My Lord." He said and stared at the floor. With shaky hands he sat the book on his dresser and glanced up at me.

"You should've told me."

"I am truly sorry, my Lord." He says.

I stood and walked over to my butler. He twitched at the sound of thunder outside. I threw my arms around him. He gasped at the contact but didn't hesitate to rap his strong arms tightly around me.

I'm glad I know. I have always loved Sebastian, yes. He's a gorgeous creature. Everyone can easily fall in love with someone like him.

His grip tightened at the sounds the sky made and I decided to distract him. I pulled back from his grip and he frowned down at me. I smirked and grabbed him my the collar of his shirt to pull him down and plant my lips on his. He was shocked, but I watched his eyes close as he kissed me back deeply. This is such a new side to him. I'm quite glad I decide to journey down here.

When he pulled back he looked at me surprised.

"Young master?" He asked.

I caught my breath and smiled. "Yes, love?"

He smiled wide at my words. "What did that mean?"

"I means that I love you Sebastian." I stated.

He got down on his knees and nuzzled his face into my neck. He gave me a small kiss by my ear before whispering. "I love you too Ciel. So much."

"and Sebastian-?"

"Yes, my lord?"

"You can have a cat."

This should be a great new start.

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