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Italics= Thoughts


Its been 5 fucking year since HYDRA have successfully put a chip inside my brain to control me. They have made me kill people, people that I regret killing some others not so much.

I am known as one of the best assassins for HYDRA. They call me G.O.D Aka The Goddess Of Death. Why? Because I have the body of a goddess and bring death to those who HYDRA orders me to kill. Good thing HYDRA doesn't know my full power because if they did I would be unstoppable under their control. Even after they put that stupid chip they don't know about it.

"Cheap tech."

After all I am one of the only 12% that has survived their experiments and torture. I've also worked once or twice with The Winter Soldier he was also part of that 12%. Turns out that he has successfully escape HYDRAS grasp and is with the Avengers as well as Loki the God of Mischief and lies joined them. I've seen them a couple of times while out on "missions", if that's what you would call them, I know enough to know that HYDRA doesn't like them they are a threat to them and I like it.

The speaker in my room went off. "GOD COME TO MY OFFICE THIS INSTANT!" Dr.Lavron yelled through the speakers. He is the main guy/scientist running this base. "Who shitted on your cereal this morning?" My body moved on its own. "This is what happens when HYDRA puts a fucking chip in your brain. Can any of you relate to this?" {Lily: Did you just fucking break the fourth wall? ((((;°Д°)))) Y/N: No you did.(ㅍ_ㅍ) Lily: The fuck.     (-᷅_-᷄) Forget let's get back to the story.} I walk all the way to his office which is on the top floor the 5th floor and I am on the -2. They have an elevator but you have to have a card so if you didn't you would need to use stairs, lucky for me I've got the card.

After a couple of minutes I finally made it to his door and knocked. "Come in." I entered the dim light room. "Dr.Lavron."I said while nodding my head a little. "Their is a new mission for you." He slid a usb in front of me. "Your mission is to get inside the Avengers tower and gain information from their computer. Now I've heard it's hard to get in but given that you have trained a lot to become one of our best and you will have a group assist you. Your mission will begin tonight at midnight." "Wow this sound like a classic villain/superhero thing. We being at midnight. Like can't it be at dawn or NOW." I thought. "I will not fail you. Hail HYDRA." "Fuck HYDRA bitch. Oh wait."

Time Skip to Midnight 🕛

I finished showering and came out naked I got used to it since I really didn't care about how I looked. I put in my bullet/water/fire proofed clothes. I grabbed my guns, knifes, both of my katanas, grabbed some ninja stars and hid some guns and knifes using my magic to hide them. I then proceeded to pull up my black hoodie and put on my mask.

Then I headed to one of the quinjets they had available and I saw the group I was gonna be with

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Then I headed to one of the quinjets they had available and I saw the group I was gonna be with.

Once they saw me they started to get in and me being last as the doors closed I sat down.

Let the "Mission" begin


Thank you for reading 5fuckingYears next chapter will be "B-DayMission"
See you guys next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2019 ⏰

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