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                                                Y/n P.O.V

I don't know why I felt like my heart broke into pieces but it did but why did it felt like this? And that so when I've started dating someone then why am I still feeling like this, as if like I'm .....Jealous

I ran to my (Taehyung's room) and closed the door from inside and I guess Taehyung followed me cause I could hear his screamings from inside but I'm seriously broken and I cried my heart out until

Girl voice: Mr.Kim Taehyung,my paymen-

Taehyung:SHUT UP!!you are thinking about payment when my world is crying yo- you know what just take the money it's in the living room and GET OUT!

Taehyung:Y/n please,open the door let me explain ...please y/n open the door all these things that I've done is just because I wanted you to feel jealous nothing else and I don't have any girlfriend ,but I didn't knew you would feel this bad..honestly If I knew then I would've never done this, after you left me I've never dated anyone,I only love you no one else please open the door,jagi*he broke into tears as well*

I don't know why I felt like his words,somehow are i opened the door of the room and just when I opened the door , revealing my crying face I saw he was also crying and we both couldn't take it anymore seeing tears in his eyes,my soul couldn't  help but just hug him as tightly as possible and he hugged me back maybe he felt the same way and we both were crying like newborns

Taehyung:*crying* how did you even imagine that I'll date someone else,if I've ever loved someone in this entire planet that is you y/n,yes you y/n

Y/n:*crying* Taehyung, i don't why I never knew you but still I felt very jealoused and I really don't know why I did but I just couldn't accept the fact that you are dating someone else that just hurted me more than anything

And we both cried and cried after some time we both broke the hug and we both were wiping each other's tears

Taehyung: please don't cry y/n, I'm sorr-

But he stopped in the middle,and his eyes were on my neck and I remembered, the hickey,SHIT!

Taehyung:y/n, is that a hickey?!?


I knew that now I'm dead but unexpectedly he didn't stormed out

Taehyung:so now you are dating Jimin??*smirking*

Y/n:yeah so is there any problem??I love him,he loves me and we started dating,what's your problem

Taehyung:no nothing I've no problem but you don't know y/n,you did a big mistake by not listening to my warning and now you'll see what happens next....I thought I would give you time but I won't, anyways go take a bath and change your clothes and after you are done come downstairs I've something to talk with you,love you,jagi

Love you,TATA....wait what did  I just imagined....ughs did I just,noooooo why did I even imagined this..but for what he wanted me to give time?? Whatever I'll just go and take a bath

                                          Taehyung P.O.V

IS THAT A FUCKING HICKEY,.....I screamed internally after coming out of the room like seriously did he really kissed her on the neck..before me??!? What does that Jimin think of himself? He works under me , so how dare he date someone I love?? I am so mad at him right now

Now I know what to do*smirks*i called my Appa and done,my work is done,they're coming tomorrow in the evening with Mr.Lee and Jimin,Huh! He'll get a lesson there only I don't need to worry about you'll be mine y/n

I was sitting on the sofa while scrolling through the images of y/n that I have in my phone...those are damn nice , she's only mine nobody can take her

I was still scrolling,when suddenly y/n came down and sat down beside me but was way far from me and that was bugging me so I pulled her close to me because y/n and me,sitting on the same couch,but she's far from me,not between my arms,THATS IMPOSSIBLE!!

Y/n:Taehyung,you know we can sit without being this close

Taehyung:no y/n,maybe you can sit like that way but for me if we're sitting on the same couch , together,  then you must be between my arms

Y/n:anyways,what did you wanted to talk with me??

Taehyung:you love Jimin very much right?

Y/n:Yeah,of course,b-but why are asking this question??

Taehyung:so if you really love him then BREAK UP WITH HIM

                                                Y/n P.O.V

At that moment I was like,whatthehell

Y/n:are you mad? I just started dating him a few hours ago and in between this I'll break up with him

Taehyung:well,y/n,i wanted to give you time but you just,....anyways,but remember that you are bound to break up with him and if you don't then....

Y/n:then what Mr.Kim Taehyung?

He leaned closer to me and at a point I was lying on the sofa and he was over me , and his both hands were on my two sides so that I can't get out from his trap, then he spoke...

Taehyung: then I'll kill Jimin....

So guys with this chapter 10 and guess for what taehyung called his appa,...I'll update soon and till we meet

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