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It had been a couple of days since Genos had tried to murder the television but she's seen him be on the verge of killing his laptop only to stop himself a second before disaster. She didn't really care at first but it's concerning in its own right.

Hormones maybe? He is still a teenager but he might be a little old for that to be a huge problem. Thinking about it more he was mostly metal so that does make her wonder even if he was younger would it be an issue? Honestly it was hard to tell what part of him had any human left. She'd ask but it be awkward and Saitama had no interest in walking into that.

She continued to make some soup as she pondered as to why he'd be so annoyed and could only really come up with it either having to do with his age or being a robot thing.

If it was a robot thing though did that mean he could communicate with his laptop and they were arguing? Was it possible for him to argue with anything technological or only certain things like laptops and phones?

In a world where Genos could potentially be arguing with other pieces of technology she really hoped he couldn't argue with the fridge. Saitama shuttered at the thought of all the potentially lost produce.

No discount could outweigh the loss from that fall out.

They'd be living like college students on fast food and instant ramen!

She shuttered at the memories associated with those times. And sure the stuff is cheap but too much of it will mean all her hard work to getting to this level would plummet down a hill. Sure a bannana was easy to jog off but would a 100 sit-ups really stand a chance against a fast food diet?

Plus it wouldn't help with her balding issue. She's made peace with likely not seeing her hair again but she didn't want to obliterate any remaining rays of hope.

While she was lost in thought Genos was vigorously typing away on his computer. He had been looking into where their rumored romance had gone after that news section. It was worse than he thought.....

Though nearly everyone immediately believed the story their reaction was split. What's more the "evidence" that was gathered online is starting to have him think someone may be following them. Some of these images seemed to be from random people on their phones but others......

They were scattered but putting them together it was as if someone was following them. He found one set of photos after maybe an hour of going through forums that seemed to be of their trip to a nearby store. When he sorted them together they appeared to be going through their day. The photos always focused on her sometimes even cutting him from a picture he knew he should have been in.

Could they really have a stalker...

it was possible but why would anyone be stalking them?

Or rather why are they stalking his master?

It was obvious that who ever was following them had an interest in Saitama. Could it be she's gotten so popular that she has fans like this now?

It trouble him to think that there were people like this that he couldn't detect. The more he searched the more apparent it was that someone was trailing them occasionally.

How could he not have noticed it sooner. He can only hope that it's one person but if it grows to be more he shutters at the thought of pests like that invading their private life like that.

Whenever he went out with his master it was for him a nice reminder of the simpler things in life. As powerful as she was one lesson she's always mindful to remind him of is to take a moment and enjoy the mundane parts of life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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