The beginning

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It was Friday night, you had just finished watching a memeulous video- about his successful sale in bath water. You knew you were sure to buy several jars, grinning at the thought.

As the alcoholic you are, you suddenly felt the need to be drunk. So with a grunt you heaved yourself up and left your house to go to the pub. It was Friday night, so you knew the pub was gonna be bustling. Although you hated crowds, you needed a drink.

You weren't wrong. It was bustling with drunk lads and lasses. A small man sitting alone grabbed your attention. He had a white bandana around his lower face, sunglasses, and a black cap. It was Memeulous.

You couldn't believe what you were seeing. As his biggest fan, you felt the urge to run up to him. And so you did. Everyone in the pub stared as you aggressively dived towards him. He screamed as you attempted to snatch off his disguise. "I need face!" You cried. However you were interrupted by a punch in the face, as George's muscles were absolutely huge. Mega. You fell to the ground, nose bloody. The pub stared in shock. You attempted to get up, but Memeulous kicked you in the stomach, shooting you to the ground once more. "My face private!" He growled, angrily. He made this face: >:(. You shut your eyes tightly closed in pain, but you weren't going to give up now. You leapt up and smashed a beer bottle on his head. But his head was tough as granite. He didn't even blink. 'WOOOOOOOW. MEMEULOUS IS STRONG.' You thought as he punched you repeatedly as you fell to the ground. He continued to use his muscle force on you until you were unconscious.

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