Breakfast time.

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The three of you sat in silence for the next 5 or so minutes, the ticking of a clock in the background. Suddenly the door of the basement slammed open. You all quickly turned your heads to the doorway in fear. The silhouette of a small man was stood there, still for several moments. He stepped into the basement, you could now see that it was George. "Breakfast time." He muttered. He threw the 3 of you each a slice of bread, and turned away. "Wait!" You called out. George slowly turned back around. Although I couldn't see his face, I could sense his annoyance. "WHAT DO YOU WANT." You flinched a little. "W-What's gonna happen to me?" He let out melodramatic puff. "We're going to have to wait and see." He left, closing the door. It was dark once more.

The three of you devoured the bread quickly. Willne eyed Alex's, who growled angrily. "This is my bread, you've finished yours." You looked at the two of them, shocked at their hunger. "He doesn't feed you much I'm guessing." George Memeulous marched into the basement. He lifted his index finger and pointed it at you. "YOU." You nodded quickly, shuffling back a little in fear. "I'm setting up your YouTube channel. What's your name?" You looked back at Willne and Alex in confusion. They simply gave a nod. "Y/n." George looked up, deep in thought. "Ok. Your username will be y/n_commentary." He announced before walking out of the basement and slamming the door shut. "What's they all about?" Alex crossed his legs. "George is the one who set up both our YouTube channels." Willne nodded. "I suppose he's doing the same for you." Your eyes brightened a little. "Well seeing as you're both now famous on social media, I suppose I'd be too. And I can do with the money. Working at Sainsbury's wasn't quite cutting it." The two blokes glanced at each other, pity in their eyes. "..The thing is," Alex begun. "All the profits go to Memeulous."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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