The next day.

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Vision hazy, you finally woke up. The light was bright. Slowly you adjusted to your surroundings, only to realise you weren't home. And in fact you've never been here before. Your face was stinging, reminding you of what happened last night. You noticed the voices of two other males, somewhat familiar. However, still exhausted, you fell back asleep.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" You woke up slowly due to two people gently shaking you awake. You focused on the faces and dropped your jaw as soon as you recognised them. "Willne? Alex? What are you doing here? Where am I?" You quickly sat up, beginning to panic. "Don't worry, you're safe for now." Alex said, looking over his shoulder warily. "We're in George's basement. Do you remember what happened last night?" Willne informed. You nodded slowly, recalling the injuries you suffered. "George had dragged you here once you were unconscious." The Youtuber continued. 'Great. I'm kidnapped... at least it's by my favourite Youtuber though. I should be happy, really.' You thought. "But what are you guys doing down here? Don't you have your own flats?" The two of them made eye contact, nervously. "That's what we tell everyone in our videos. We have to, otherwise..." Alex hesitated, tears beginning to well up in his fear-tainted eyes. Willne wrapped his arms around Alex's small shoulders in an attempt to comfort him. You were horrified. 'I guess George Memeulous isn't the guy everyone thinks he is...'

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