similar, but not the same

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He's cute

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He's cute.

It was a thought, a new and alien thought, but nonetheless a thought. He'd thought things similar to this before, similar, but not the same.

He'd thought things similar when he saw a pretty girl across the street or when he'd seen a particularly nice e-girl.

And this thought was similar, but not the same.

It scared him at first, slipping into his mind far too subtly for something so unfamiliar. However he refused to let the obscurity of the thought cloud his vision. The thought must've been platonic, surely.

Catching another glance at his sleeping roommate to ease his now racing mind majorly backfired as his eyes seemed to linger on Alex's lips, as George's cheeked reddened, as the thought reappeared, now louder and more intruding than before.

He pulled his eyes away, a million new questions swirling around in his head. Not wanting to deal with the invasive and intimidating thoughts he decided to make himself busy.

Walking over to the counter and turning on the kettle, he shot a look back at Alex, who remained asleep. It was platonic. He thought. It's just because I care for him. And that wasn't entirely wrong, after all, the poor boy laid across the sofa had been broken up with a few hours earlier.

George began pouring two cups of tea, giving himself and Alex two sweeteners. Trying to drown out his mind by listening to the occasional clinking of the metal spoon on the ceramic mug, but no matter how hard he tried to concentrate on the milk swirling around his eyes always found their way back to the body on the sofa.

Worry ate its way into his chest, worry that this feeling was more than platonic, worry that he was different, worry that things would change.

Letting out a breath he didn't realise he was holding, he stared back at the tea. This isn't anything to be scared of, I've thought similar to this a million times. And he had.

Similar, but not the same.

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