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Everyone had their own problems that seemed otherworldly, but this problem was genuinely otherworldly. Cosmos away from the terrace you sat on, a man sat in an office twiddling his thumbs as he watched the people around him chat about their newest development.

"What if you don't get there in time?" A woman sporting a pin-straight black bob asked this with a small teasing smile. "We can't save you every time, Kunikida,"

The man with a blonde ponytail just scoffed and looked away. "It was once, Yosano. Let's not be too hasty."

"Besides, we're doing nothing but grabbing the brat and leaving. We have no other business with the port mafia this time around."

"That's what he always says," The man who was just sitting on the sidelines moments before finally added into the conversation with a grin and an odd sparkle in his eye. "But I promise on his behalf that we'll call back if we need to."

Kunikida cast him a warning look before buttoning up his waistcoat. "Don't encourage her, Dazai. We're leaving now."

Dazai laughed gleefully at his colleague's gruff attitude, but said nothing more before giving everyone a wave and following him out.

"You need to learn how to bite your tongue," Kunikida said this as they exited the building a few minutes later. "Don't you think you're being too nonchalant about all of this?"

Dazai's expression shifted only slightly as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his trenchcoat. "So you'd like me to do the opposite and freak out, am I right?"

Immediately after the words left his mouth, Dazai put a hand to his forehead and stumbled back, groaning dramatically about indiscernible things. Kunikida was less than surprised, but still hesitated to stop the riveting fake meltdown his friend was putting on.

After he managed to pull Dazai's arms back down to their rightful place, he shushed him as they approached their car. Dazai was genuinely a smart guy, but Kunikida had to remind himself of that fairly often.

"I know that you know what I mean," Kunikida narrowed his eyes, letting go of Dazai's arms. "I don't know why you're pretending to adamantly to be an airhead." Then, he moved to the driver's side of the car before the other man could so much as get a word out.

Dazai's eyes followed him as he walked, and he couldn't help but blow out a short laugh and mumble under his breath.

"Say what you like," He shrugged. "But maybe you're just a bad tell of character."

Dazai didn't even bother to wait for Kunikida's reaction as he opened the car door and slipped into the seat, leaving the man standing on the driver's side, his face blank.

They drove in silence after that, but, the drive to the docks was quick nonetheless.

"You said Atsushi-San is somewhere here?"

Dazai looked around at the decaying warehouses with a crinkled nose. The port mafia really hadn't stepped up their game in appearance at all, that was for sure. He almost smiled comparing the spotless detective agency to the damp and dark halls the mafia was confined to.

What a shame.

Kunikida nodded, looking down at the address on his phone. "Yes. His location's coming in as by fourth street, ocean side."

"Then let's go," Dazai waved a hand behind him as he began to walk. "They probably already know we're here."

They walked wordlessly for a few minutes, only getting a block or so before a familiar ability jumped out in front of them, the falsely-calculated action just barely nicking Dazai.

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