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Name: Katsu Uchiha

Nickname: Phoenix, goofball(a teasing name)

Age: part 1: 12-13 Shippuden: 16-17 boruto: 27

Gender: female

Looks:(with black eyes though)
Part 1:

Looks:(with black eyes though)Part 1:

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Personality: She is normally silent and distant from people

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Personality: She is normally silent and distant from people. Yet, if you bug her and talk to her more she'll open up and come out of her shell showing her more kind and silly side. She is actually really silly and can be an idiot at times.

Birthday: November 2nd

Family: all that is important is that she's a descendant of Madara.

Sexuality: Straight

Love interest: Neji

Rogue or not:No

Affiliation: The hidden leaf

Clan: Uchiha

Chakra natures: Fire, lightning, water


The fireball jutsu forgot it's name

Fire style: rapid fire blast- rapidly sends fire out to the target

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