The brutality of reality

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•Being honest to yourself is the only way you'll survive•

You're probably wondering what it is that's got me so fucked up, not too long ago I had fallen for a guy. This guy had walked into my life and changed it in so many ways possible, I guess we can say that I was the happiest version of myself.

I had been so happy that I finally found someone I thought would mean the world to me, but one day he had become friends with my sister, my twin sister to be exact and that's when my world had come crashing down. He told me that he loved me, he said that I was the only girl he noticed or that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. But when she came into the picture he had completely abandoned me. That had fucked me up in more ways than I could possibly imagine.

Till this day I can say that they're still the best of friends. Oh, how I itch to know if they're together but at the end of the day, I stick to my word when I don't want him back. He was the love of my life, funny how quickly life chooses to betray you, life would rather see your world come crashing down instead of seeing it fill up with blue skies and sunny days whether it was raining or not.

In the end, of course she had chosen to be with him and not stay with her sister and to be quite honest, that hurt the least, and it's only because I had seen it coming. The bitch refused to accept the fact that he really did want to be with her, and although anyone who wasn't blind could clearly see it, she of all people hadn't.

The reason why I let this make me the way I am today is because I had learned that it's best to stay quiet and watch the world turn into a pile of dust and not let it affect you.
I walked into the cafeteria expecting everyone to go about their day as it was usually what the case was, I walked in only to be pushed by a kid.

What the fuck?

I took a step back only to see none other than Luke Williams chasing the poor kid out into the front yard.

I'm going to regret this..

And boy was I right, seconds later I was hot on Luke's feet. I managed to pass him and stand in front of the kid who was trembling in fear of what he thought like was going to do to him. Luke had stood in front of me softening his eyes once he saw who it was.

"Emryn move." Luke demanded me.

I had shaken my head no, standing in the exact same place I had arrived in as children from our school surrounded us. "I said move." Luke repeated. "And I shook my head no, yet we continue to be in the exact same place." My voice had come out so raspy and soft, I hadn't even recognized it.

"Oh so now you speak?" Luke asked, irritated by the fact that I had kept quiet for so long and only spoke now that he was about to beat this guy to a pulp.

" The fuck is your problem? This kid probably didn't even do anything to you and here you are, about to bash his head in." I practically yelled, this overwhelming adrenaline passing through my veins.

"He talked about your sister."

"I don't have a sister." I replied smoothly. I could've sworn I saw a look of guilt and hurt pass through his eyes. I waved the guy away and he ran as fast as he could.

"Just because I spoke up today won't mean that I'll talk to any of you, especially you." I glared at him one more time before shoving past him and moving on to my next class.

The brutality of reality is that you never know what will happen, and that's what most worried me.

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