Zodiac Signs

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Lloyd~ Virgo. The most successful out of all the ninjas and can lead others on whether it's for the resistance or a crazy adventure.  

Kai~ Aries. Very independent and brave while never wanting to be restricted of things. We've since this through most of the series. 

Cole~ Taurus. Down to earth. That's all I needed to know XD.

Jay~ Cancer. The blueberry is very sensitive and always forgive, but never forgets. I also chose this because it's know as the crab.

Zane~ Sagittarius. He's open-minded, and achiever and is very loving to his team members and family. Funny thing he's known as the archer. You know because his weapon is a bow and arrow *Why do I sound like Jay trying to make puns lol*

Nya~ Libra. I knew this was her's once I saw the 'Complicated Love Life' in the bio.

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