March of the Ender Watchers

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I ran back towards the wall and found it in chaos. Apparently Herobrine decided to march. I pulled out my sword. I practiced enough to be sufficient in battle, but definitely not in a duel.

I heard a groan as a zombie was stabbed behind me, I turned to look at the person who killed it.

"I hate Herobrine," I said at Rain.

"So I think this is the undead reign all over again," he said while fighting. I stabbed another zombie in the gut. And saw Herobrine flying in the air, observing the battle with interest. I whistled for my wolves. They bounded towards me, fangs bloody.

Rain grabbed my sleeves, "Don't take on Herobrine." I shook free.

"Listen! That's what he wants," Rain said, "He's prepared. This is a battle you can't win. This ie a battle we can't win." My eyes lit up with an idea.

"No, we can't win this fight. Not alone," I said.

"Do you have a blaze rod and an enderpearl?" I asked Rain.

"What do you need them fo--" he said as he stabbed another zombie.

"JUST DO YOU HAVE IT!" I said. I don't need questions.

"I have the blaze rod," he said, holding out a golden looking stick. I took it and teleported away back inside where it's somewhat safer.

I ran in the infirmary, "STELLA DO YOU HAVE AN ENDER PEARL!! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!!!" Stella took one out. I took it and ran for a crafting table.

I placed first made the blaze rod into blaze powder, then I placed the blaze powder with the ender pearl. And out came an eye of ender.

"The ender chest where is the stupid ender chest?!?!" I muttered to myself, frustrated. The answer struck me.

Ser Patrick's office! Of course!! I thought, mentally slapping my forehead.

I ran towards his office and found an ender chest resting in the corner. I ran to it, dropped my sword, swung the lid open and put the eye in it. I then relaxed, for a split second, before tensing again as I ran out of the office to be confronted by a zombie.

"This far in already?" I grumbled before knocking it aside and killing it. Thankfully, it doesn't look like a Frostbourne soldier.

I teleported to what was the front lines outside the wall. It was now empty except for the corpses. I strained my ears and spot commotion. I teleported there instead.

Just in time to get knocked down by a zombie.

"Notch dam* it!" I shouted before I rolled aside from its sword that came crashing down at me.

Good news, I got back up.

Bad news, the zombie knocked aside my sword.

I pulled an arrow from my quiver and stabbed it into the zombie's heart. It died. I picked up my sword again and started to fight again.

"Oh please show up soon," I said under my breath, my brown hair pressed to my forehead with sweat and gore from the battle.

"Ah!" I screamed quietly when a zombie grabbed my ankle. I kicked it away and stabbed it.

Despite the fact that I'm still alive, I was tiring. My blocks are slowing and stabs are going in shallower.

Then I heard a familiar sound.

I grinned as I looked to the horizon, a friendly screech reached my ears. An enderman's screech.

I looked at Herobrine, he looked... scared.

Oh right, I thought, Matriarch killed him the first time.

I stepped up, a smile on my face as the Ender Watchers march on. The Frostbourne cheered. I spot Rain's head in the crowd, I made my way over to him. He looked at me in awe.

"That's why you left, didn't you?" Rain asked, "You left to get help." I grinned.

"It paid off," I said.

I heard the sound of teleportation next to my ear. I whipped my head over and found Matriarch next to me.

"I never thought I would see you again," she said.

"Neither have I," I said.

"So Patrick decides to finally ask for help? He's not the type to run from a battle, even for something like this," Matriarch said.

"About that...... it was me," I said, biting my lip, "I crafted an eye of ender and er...... snuck into Ser Patrick's office and put it in the ender chest...?"

I was unsure how Matriarch would react, or Ser Patrick once he know I snuck into his office.

The battle was won in no time. I sighed in relief.

"Thank Notch," I said, "I needed a break." I walked towards a hastily made camp outside of the Frostbourne last night. I needed it and I didn't bother to pack. I whistled for Jet and the wolves, who thankfully, all survived.

I rode on Jet, feeling drowsier by the second. With difficulty to stay awake, I stumbled in my tent and collapsed on my bedrolls. (Thank Wickedershelf21 for providing the information that medieval people sleep in bedrolls.) (Post Author's Note: I'm not even sure she/he remembers that conversation anymore.)

Well, it has been an exhausting day.

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