Chapter - 5

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AUTHOR'S NOTE:Hello everyone i am back thanks for votes and reading previous chapters.I hope you like this chapter and plz comment.


kong pov:

Story have to pause again.

This is getting to be a bad habit. Okay. So now you are all wondering,Who the hell is P'Arthit right? Well, since you are all so avidly interested in my love life, I will tell you.

Remember that regional tournament I lost? Yeah,well, he is the one I lost it to. Ironically, my greatest adversary would be the one I'd fall in love with. Oh, maybe not at first. After all, we would have rather killed each other than spent any time actually getting along. But after that first tournament, and every one after that, we would keep running into each other and being forced to spend time together okay, not forced. Nobody forces me to do anything unless I agree to it.

Anyway,after a few more tournaments and a bit more time spent together, he and I started forming a bond. It was so strange. Not even Aim understood me the way this hazel brown-eyed bluenette always seems to. It scared me. I wasn't used to someone who could get so close to me,get under my skin the way P'Arthit can. But I needed him in my life, and more. I needed him in my heart. He could be everything I couldn't happy,friendly, personable

That bond just continued to grow. I battled him many times over the next couple of years. I even spent time with him outside the stadium. I had to sneak away from my grandfather's eagle-eyed watch to do it, but I managed. We would go for walks, grab a coffee somewhere and just sit and talk, stuff like that. Things I'd never really done before. He taught me how to have fun,to enjoy what life I'd been given, even if at the moment it sucked sour lemons.

He was so beautiful, so full of light and I was the opposite the darkness, the silent strength.

I didn't realize how much he really meant to me until that fateful World Championship in Russia. When that was over, I'd gone to my locker room to shower, dreading my return to the Abbey because I knew that Teerawat would be waiting and he would not be happy. I think I knew, even then, that whatever happened there would change everything for me.

When I stepped out of my shower, towel around my waist and another in my hands that I was using to dry my hair, P'Arthit was waiting for me. He was leaning against the row of lockers with his hands in his pockets and studying me with an intense, entirely too close for comfort gaze that made my heart speed up and my breathing hitch. Then he just pushed away from the lockers, strode over to me, and drew me down to meet the hard kiss he planted on my mouth before releasing me.

That's my congratulations, Kong, on winning the Championship.He said. I will admit I was stunned enough to stand there staring at him stupidly for a while. I remember he smiled a little at me before he reached up and wound his fingers in my hair, my hands automatically going to his waist and drawing him closer to me as our mouths met again and I simply drowned in sensation and the most pure emotion I'd felt in years. Love. When we broke apart, panting and still wrapped around each other,he whispered in my ear, And that's because I love you.

I trembled. Those three words I hadn't heard from anyone but Strom and she didn't mean it the way he did. I clung to him for a moment, trying to get my mind past the euphoria and the swirling emotions in my head. He just chuckled and held me as I mumbled incoherent nonsense at him for a couple of minutes. When I finally got myself back under control, I stared down into those incredible hazel he has for eyes and replied, love you, too,Ronjapath.

And then I kissed him again. He melted in my arms and if Aim hadn't chosen that moment to come knocking on my door, I might have gone a lot farther than just heavy kissing and a little groping.

Considering what came next, however, I suppose it was a good thing the nosy wolf interrupted. Because, you see, for a brief moment I'd forgotten about the Abbey, my grandfather, my life in

general. My whole universe had centered on P'Arthit and only him. I'd felt more complete in that moment than I'd ever felt before. The perfection I'd always sought was right there for the taking stupid, stupid me.

But Aim interrupted, grinned and winked at me when he found us on the floor,congratulated me on my win, then disappeared. The moment was gone, and I was left with a hollow emptiness inside. I was going to have to do something that would break my heart, and P'Arthit .

I had to let him go.

I'm not going to give details. That's just too private.I will just say that there were tears buckets full of tears some harsh words, and even a punch or two thrown. In the end, he stormed off in a temper, and I was left picking up the broken pieces of both our hearts. The light in my life dimmed down to a mere flicker of flame.

Despondent,I dressed, packed up my stuff, and went back to the Abbey. You already know what happened. Here as the part you didn't know. I would have gone after P'Arthit when things calmed down and the world forgot about me and the Abbey. However, that choice wasn't open to me in the long run. The more I thought about it, the more I convinced myself that P'Arthit would be better off with out me,that I could bring nothing but pain into his life. I was a shadow unworthy of his light. Strom tried to convince me otherwise and so did Aim. I didn't listen. I decided at that point that I would disappear from the world's view for good.

I would let P'Arthit(and the world) believe I'd died in that explosion.

It would be better this way, I reasoned. He would be able to grieve, and put me in his past where I belonged. Then he could move on with his life and find someone who was worth his attention and love, rather than spending the rest of his life trying to find me, which I was sure he would do because if it had been me instead of him, that's exactly what I would have done.


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