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Kong Pov:

Now back to the main story.

It took us an hour and a half to get to the hotel. We made the trip in silence. I was thinking about P'Arthit, and Aim was letting me stew in my own thoughts. He'd been around me long enough to know I would talk when I wanted to and not a moment before.

Once at the hotel (I had to snicker at the name of the place  the Parthenon Hotel) we did what Mr. Willsion had suggested. We rested. At six that evening,I called around and figured out what time that Sound and Light show was supposed to be, and where, and we went and grabbed supper at the McDonalds a block or so away.

We wandered around the Plaka for a while, browsing. Okay, I browsed. Aim spent half an hour haggling over some necklace that he really wanted. I did find something I liked though. It was a pair of sliver and gold wristbands,elegantly designed with a Phoenix and a Dragon entwined together. The Phoenix was the gold and the Dragon was the silver. I paid for them and left the shop to find Aim.

He was still haggling over the necklace.

I dragged him out of the shop after paying for the damned thing myself. He pouted the entire time.

"I was having fun, Kong! You're supposed to deal with these people!"

"We didn't have all night for you to play, Aim. It's nearly ten. The shows about to start."

He gave me a pathetic look. I sighed and shook my head at him.

We got to the place where the tourists were gathering to watch the show. Its on a hill that has a perfect view of the Acropolis. The moon was huge in the sky already and the sun was already nearly gone on the horizon as we took our seats.

It got dark soon enough and the show started. It was really cool, actually, in a low-budget, touristy type of way. Aim, of course, was sitting there watching avidly, totally absorbed.

He is easily amused.

Half way through the show, someone slid into the seat next to me and whispered,Hey, Singto! Long time, no see!

I recognized the way too hyper voice of the Spirit Squad's only hotshot pilot,P'Prem. His code name at the Spirit Squad was Zeo, means life. There is nothing he can't drive, fly, or pilot. I slouched in my seat and scowled. I didn't have the patience to put up with the genki brunet's antics.

Great.I muttered. Aim glanced over and welcomed him with a fang-filled grin.

"Yo,P'Prem! How's it going?"

"Not too bad. You guys ready to get out of here?"

Please.I got up and Aim and I followed P'Prem out of the area to the parking lot. We got into his car, Aim up front and me in the back. 

"What's with all the secrecy, P'Prem? I asked as he pulled out and headed into traffic."

"I haven't been given all the info yet, Singto. Sorry. I just got here yesterday and they told me to go pick you guys up and bring you in."

"I blinked. How do you know where this base is supposed to be? You don't have that high of clearance, do you?"

"Nope. He turned off into an alley and drove into a huge Mack trucks box. This is how
we will get there. Even I don't know where it is."

Wow. Thats a lot of security precautions. But I guess I can see why. Aim sighed.P'Prem flipped on the interior lights of the car and shut off the engine as the door behind us was closed and the truck rumbled to life. The trip was short,and I had no idea where we were or anything.
All I knew was that when the truck stopped, and the door opened,P'Prem got out of the car and motioned us to follow him.

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