(Lefty x Alcoholic! Reader) text me later.

763 16 15

Listen to the song while reading 😔👌 it's epic and i was listening to it while writing this lol

[ code - (Y/N) = your name // (F/A/B) = Favorite alcoholic beverage. // (N/N) = nickname. ||  If you're under-aged, simply read the story like you're of legal age, I don't support under-aged alcoholism. ]

A wearied sigh escaped from your mouth, you currently sat atop the barstool slowly sipping from the drink you'd ordered, (F/A/B). This was your first drink, and you were already somewhat tipsy. You'd always been a lightweight, but that would never stop you from drinking to relieve yourself of all the tension and anxiety that'd been overwhelming you.

You set the drink down on the hardwood surface of the bar counter, hearing the light tap the glass made as it came in contact with the wood made your stomach turn, though you weren't quite sure why.

You were caught off guard as your phone buzzed, the vibration notifying you that you received a text. You carefully picked it up, opening your phone as the artificial light illuminated your face. You opened the message, responding once your nearly-drunken mind figured something mildly appropriate to say.


                 <    Hey, (N/N). I know

                        this is kind of last

                        minute but do you

                        maybe want to

                        hang out? Sorry ✌



 svrry cnan't talk

 rignt nowz text

me lxaterr.               >



                    < (Y/N) are you at the

                        bar again? I will

                        personally drive

                        there to make sure

                        you're okay and

                        then beat your ass.



  noooooo yo ucant's >



                   <          on my way.


And sure enough, once you'd downed your drink it wasn't long before a black car pulled up, the raven-haired male climbing out and rushing in to find you. You promised him you'd stop drinking your stress away, but you figured there was no harm in one more drink. He took a glance to the bar table, and sure enough, there you were, having a full conversation with a man about unicorn shit.

Of course, your words were slurred to the point they were barely legible.

There was a sudden tap on your shoulder. Out of instict, you drunkenly lifted a hand to slap them. They grabbed your hand like a mother would a child, and turned you around. It was your best friend, or as you liked to call him, Lefty. It was a nickname based on the fact he was left-handed, and had an eyepatch on his left eye. The man you'd been conversating with looked confused.

He dragged you out of the bar, scolding you. You were really only able to make out "I can't belive you've done this!" (A/N, vine reference, anyone?) But really, it wasn't loke you were going to contiously remember it. Once you were out to the small parking lot, he lifted you up and started carrying you bridal-style (a/n wow cliche me) into the car, where he sat you in the passenger's seat, fastened your seat belt, and promtly close the car door.

Soon enough, he'd gotten in the car himself, mumbling something about how you were 'a lost cause'.

The ride home was oddly comfortable, you weren't contious enough to feel awkward or tense in the presence of another person.

As soon as the car stopped you knew he was going to drag you into your house and lay you to rest, and you'd have to face the consequences in the morning. It wasn't bad, really. He'd scold you while you got over your headache but it still made you feel guilty.

He got out, and you heard the door on your side open. He unbuckled you and slung you over his shoulder like a thief would a sack of potatoes. Upon closing the car door, he carried you onto the dark porch, fighting with the keys to unlock the door without dropping you onto the cold wooden porch.

After what seemed like ages of fumbling with the keys, he got the door open and closed it behind you both.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and tossed you onto the couch. You let out a squeak similar to that of a mule being slaughtered.

He chuckled a bit, and pet your hair. It was strange, but it comforted you.

He then stood up, whispering a goodbye.

Before he reached far from you, you whined loudly, "StAYyyyYyyYYyYy"

Unbeknownst to you, he rolled his one eye. Turning on his heel, he went back to his place at your side.

"And what does the princess want?" He asked sarcastically, a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

"Stay with me...." you slurred, not catching his sarcasm.

"I'm afraid i can't do that," he checked the timer on his phone, "it's 11:34, I have to leave."

You whimpered, reached out to grab his and cuddle him like a teddy bear, but he shuffled away, ignoring your pleas.

"I need to leave now. You can text me later."

And with that, he left.

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