The Face with No Mask

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I am lost.

At some point, I had believed I finally understood our four individuals.

But now… now I’m lost.

Time and time again they seem to find more lies in their lives. They are trying very hard to obstruct the truth from themselves.

But they can only hide for so long.

I know some truths that hide behind their masks.

The Rich Girl wants to find out if there is more to her life than the lies she had been living behind.

The Assistant wants to find acceptance back into her family whose problems had scared her away for years.

The Perfect Guy wants to nothing more but to help and be with the ones he loves.

The Blonde Cheerleader wants to lead a more productive life that focuses on no one but her best interests.

We are almost at the end now. I know this is the absolute truth so far.

I know this is the truth behind their masks.

Unless, of course, they are lying to me as well…

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