Day one

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As she arrives with her suitcase in hand all she can think about is how she knows nobody here. Yeah fair enough there are a few people she knows from school but they never talked before. As she sits in a circle of strange faces she wonders if she should say something to someone. Finally she gathers enough courage to move closer to two girls sitting and eating their lunch. No

"Hey, im Lucy. Can i sit with you?"

Both girls turn to look at this mysterious new face who has just spoken and reply with a grin.

"Of course you can," Said one of them politely. "I'm Ruby and this here is Lacey."

With that, Lucy felt instantly welcomed to speak. They chatted and laughed and sang for at least 6 hours on the coach and when they reached there destination sat down for dinner. They were then split into rooms. Lucy was put in a room with four people who she had not spoken to before whilst Ruby and Lacey where put together.

Lucy felt so upset that she wouldn't be with her new friends as she went to unpack but as she entered the room and met the other girls, she knew she would make more friends.

After a few hours of jokes and insults Lucy had become best friends with another girl. She was rare and not like the others which is what made her special. She was beautiful and funny and the two got along so well. Her name was Fae and they spoke about boys for a while. Lucy had her eye on a certain boy as did Fae. However as the days passed they realised that the boys were just idiots trying to score.

Lucy hung out with her friends everyday and had so much fun on the activities that they were doing. The first day was a series of high rope activities where her group had to get as high as possible to win the most points. She climbed the large wooden ladder quite easily with her flexibility and each rung higher she got, she would reach down and help up another team mate. The next activity was trying to stack up crates so that they could get as high as possible. The team got to 12 crates high in the time limit and were so happy.

The next activity for the day was all about team building. Getting closer to the people in the team and making a closer bond. The second and third days consisted of rock climbing and absailing which made Lucy's heart skip a few beats as she was terrified of heights. But she overcame her fear and was the fastest one down that 50ft cliff.

The final day was the hike where Lucy's team manages to gain almost 3000 points and they were able to complete the hike in just over seven hours even though they had gone off trail at one point in time. They got back to camp and enjoyed a delicious dinner.

However, that night was when they talked and messed about properly for the first time. They were laughing and joking and Lucy knew she had met a great friend. But was that all he was?

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