Home for now

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It came to the very last morning at the camp and everyone was packing up to go home. With the suitcases stacked outside the dining hall everyone was ready to set off on the coach. Lucy and her friends ate breakfast then hopped on the coach.

Lucy sat with Ruby and Lacey on the way home as well as some new found friends Tara and Callum. Callum sat directly next to her and her heart fluttered a little. She didn't want anyone to notice so she just turned away and continued to talk to the girls in front of her. As the coach journey went on, Lucy slowly startled to drift to sleep all cuddled up in her large grey hoodie. After a little while she laid her legs across Callum's and fell asleep as did he. All she could think in the moment was how his body was so warm and comfy and all of her other thoughts seemed to drift off. She had only just met this guy but instantly she felt safe with him.

They reached a pit stop and everyone got off the bus to get some food and drink. They group of friends sat in the coffee shop talking for 20 minutes before getting back on the bus and chatting for the rest of the ride home.

When they got to the pickup point they all said their goodbyes and that they would see each other in a few days. Lucy felt a pit in her stomach. She didn't want to say goodbye even if it was only for a few days. Lucky for them all they had their group chat and they never stopped messaging unless they were sleeping. All day they would message but every time Lucy looked at her phone to see his name all she could do was smile.

One night, after everyone else had gone to sleep, Callum and Lucy stayed up for a while talking. Slowly she tried her best to bring up the subject of crushes, trying not to be to obvious of course. Eventually he cracked and told her who he liked. Her heart was shattered when he said the name of another girl. She couldn't believe what she had heard and even though she was in pain she played it off to the best of her ability. She promised to keep it a secret and she has to this very day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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