Letter 35

22 3 1

Dear Bullies and any bullied victims,

I think I'm doing it! I think I'm being happy for once in my life! I'm sure it will all go down hill in September but for now, it's ok.
I've learnt that it's ok to cry, it's ok to feel hurt, to feel emotionally broken, let down because this is what makes us stronger. It sounds impossible but hear me out on this one. I'm stronger because of you (the bullies) making me this feel this way. I've grown because of it. I've gained life skills and coping strategies. I've tried to get through it on my own which I did but I've learnt it's ok to need and ask for help.
In Wales I've met some amazing people and from that learnt what true friendship is like: calling on each other to play monopoly in the awning or playing mob in a field and running around the waste disposal area. (Toilet emptying point in non caravan terms.)

I've also met supportive people at school and they have stuck by me when things were spiraling into a complete and utter mess. They were their for me. Two girls I'm grateful for in my life along with my caravan friends who have taught me to have fun. How to let go of myself and let go of myself and stop worrying for a second. And to anyone who's been bullied: I know it's tough. There will be ups and downs but there will always be someone there for you and it WILL get better. Nothing stays the same for ever.❤️


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