Chapter 4: An Addams Valentine.

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Waking up in an awful morning, the sun seemed to be hid from those dark clouds. Her luscious eyes opened slowly, then she took a deep breath, sitting up on their bed. Morticia caressed her husband's face, before leaving a red mark on his cheekbone. Gomez knitted his brows, he put a intent gaze at his wife while holding her thin waist.

"Good morning, Mon Cher." She said scratching his hair, her mouth broke into a tender smile.

"It's a glorious morning, Querida." Gomez raised himself, put her slim figure under his muscular chest. He laid a smooch on her silky neck, as he heard a husky moan coming from her larynx. Rain bumped heavily onto the glassy windows, snooping them through the glasses.


Leaving to the conservatory after getting dressed, they saw Joel was with Wednesday at the cemetery. Oh youth, how dull it is! They can sit in the rain for hours just to show people their love, they can dance in each other's arms till they are tired to death to keep their sweethearts beside them, they can do anything, but only with their love. Morticia looked at her daughter thoughtfully, giving a quick glance at her husband.

"Look at them Gomez, same to young us." She spoke cutting the roses, her voice was so smooth, but also enchanting.

"We are always like that Tish, not only in the past. I always love you like I did, even more!" He snuggled her in his arms, kissing quietly on her soft skin.

"My Darling, Je t'aime." She turned back fondling his chin, her cold body became warmer.

"Oh Tish, we have just did that!" He stroked the back of her hand, leaning forward to held her tightly.

"Later, my Dearest." Morticia put the scissors down on the table, bringing her vase to his office. "You like it, Gomez?"

"I do Cara Mia, specially your thorns." Gomez loosened his wife regretfully, then his eyelids turned down, staring at his Wednesday and her boyfriend. "We will always be like we used to, my Querida." He whispered.


The youthful couple stayed together on a big tombstone, when the girl's head was laid on the boy's shoulder. Joel was a bit shy, he seemed to freeze back then. All of a sudden, as remembering something, he pulled a headless doll out of his pocket.

"Wednesday, this is for you!"

"For me? On what occasion?" 15 Wednesday feasted her black icy eyes on her timid boyfriend.

"Valentine! You know it?" Joel asked giving her the headless small doll.

"No..." She shook her head, clenching the gift in her hands.

"It's a day for love! People present to whom they adore, as a way to express their great trust to each other..." His speech was broken abruptly, and his teen face got red. "... Presents are almost chocolate, roses, or even a supposed ring. But I know you like these headless dolls, I found her flawless in the toy store, then I chopped off her head. How is it? Do you like it?"

"Anything else?" She spoke unfeelingly.


"The presents?"

"Well... I am not sure..." He hummed and hawed for long moments.

"How about a kiss?" Her soft lips touched his cheek, Joel was completely immovable.

"Why... why not...?" He stammered swallowing heavily. They did not look at opponent for a long time, since they did not want to be seen timid. Wednesday was grasping the doll while Joel was cuddling his cheekbone.


"Wednesday? Where is Joel?" Morticia asked carrying little Pubert in her arms. Her eyes haft - opened with a caring look.

"He is with Father. Do you know what the date today Mother?" Wednesday spoke unemotionally, while keeping her new doll in a deep embrace.

"Why Wednesday? It February 14th."

"What do you think about its mean?"

"We don't have anyone died on this day Wednesday, not ever before. Pugsley?"

"Pugsley is learning with uncle Fester Mother. Don't you know?"

"I don't Darling." She put Pubert on the baby seat, then pondering with her arms folded. "Tell me Wednesday."

"Joel said it is a day for loving couples."

"Say it clearly Darling." She leaned forwards her daughter, smiling slightly.

"People present their lovers on this day Mother, those can be chocolate, flowers, or anything they like. I got one." She showed her affectionate doll front of her mother.

"A headless doll? So charming. Such a suave boy."

"And you Mother? Did Father give you something?"

"Why Darling? We don't need gifts to express our love for the other. We kiss everyday we love, that's how love is going." She raised Wednesday's chin up, looking into her black eyes.

"That's odd." Wednesday mumbled turning outwards the graveyard. "Love will live forever though two you are buried. Isn't it Mother?"

"It is, my little Devil. Now, get back to your boy and enjoy these moments..." She smiled holding Pubert towards his devastating bedroom.

After all, the three - kid woman got back to her spouse at his office. Her savage was sitting with an enigmatic countenance. He startled by the time she got in.

"Is something wrong Darling?" She asked walking around him.

"Tish, my Amor!" He caught her free hands abruptly, mumbling incomprehensibly.

"I am here Gomez. What's wrong?" She caressed his face with her red nails, then wrapping the strong chest in her arms.

"What a fool I was not to know this fascinating day! How didn't you tell me, my Tish? I would offer you whatever you want my Dearest. Just tell me! Another haunted mansion? Or the Elizabeth the first's head, even though it is a skull now?!" He seemed to claw his heart by thousands of glasses. The painful mien got her broke - hearted.

"Gomez Darling! Did Joel tell you that? I even didn't know till Wed asked me. I wonder how the young could believe in such that day? A day for love? When we can love each other day by day Mon Cher?" Morticia sat on his lap, murmuring softly.

"My Querida... did I say I love you?" He took a deep breathe, groaning in her ears.

"You say that every single time, Mon Amor." She replied getting closer to him, as listening to his disorderly heartbeat.

Instinctively, he bent down squeezing her midriff, put her on his desk. There were many papers around it, but that did not matter much, especially to them. After a long eyes - to - eyes, he grabbed her ruby lips swiftly as though he wanted to stifle his Querida in that lunatic stroke. She was so fragile that Gomez could not control his mind not to crush her hourglass figure into pieces. His mulish hands moved through all parts of her faultless body, taking her whole haughtiness, tormenting those brawny breasts. Morticia moaned in an unstoppable way, she could not help seizing him, digging her rosy fingers into his robust back. Her slim legs revealed under her suggestive gown, shining than the flaccid moonlight hanging over the dreadful firmament. Gomez's eyes burnt with insane flame when he was looking at his consort, he gasped for breath squashing her waist.

"Mon Cher... my weakness... my strength..." Morticia whimpered in a low voice which bewitched her loving man and pushed him down to a deadly hole being full of his mistress's shade.

Fresh moon feasted its glimmer on that ardent couple through the gloomy glasses. It was 6:30 pm and they knew that was too soon to fall in lust, thus their will had gone so far, but little Pubert was waiting for them at the dining room. Gomez loosened his wife though her physique was totally in his muscular arms. Her cilia quivered gracefully glancing at him, her rouge lips broke into a contented smile.

"Later, My Dearest?"

"Till dawn, Querida..."

Sorry for my late update, I have got back to school after summer vacation. Updating frequency may be about once or twice a month. Hope you guys will always support me ^^

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