Hypothetical Nights

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This will serve as a part 2 for my previous chapter 'Puppet'.

Pawblo wakes up on the ground with his head aching, he stands up and looks around to see that he is inside the Lord Commander's command vessel. Around the area he sees broken glass and rubble, while walking around he sees a terrifying sight.

Pawblo: "Huh?" *Gasps*

He sees Avocato laying pn the ground...'dead' with a ginshot on his chest and blood around him.

Pawblo: "A-Avocato!?" *Sobs*

Pawblo saw the love of his life dead on the ground and couldn't do anything but cry.

Pawblo: ("W-Why?.....WHY!?...A-Avocato...")*Sobs* "I'm so s-sorry."

Lord Commander: "Hehehehe."

Hearing that evil laugh, Pawblo turns his head behind him to see the Lord Commander, hovering off the ground. Pawblo looks at him with rage and points his gun at him.

Pawblo: "YOU! You took...everything from me."

Lord Commander: "Well excuse me but, I didn't kill Avocato...."

Pawblo felt that he was lyong but waited for him to finish.

Lord Commander: "Hehehehe...you did."

Hearing that shocked Pawblo. He would never kill Avocato, he doens't believe it.

Pawblo: "LIAR!"

Lord Commander: "Hear, see for yourself."

The Lord Commander shows a monitor that records the security camera survalence system and Pawblo witnesses the horrible truth thatmade himfeel terrified. He sees himself fighting and killing Avocato.

Pawblo: "What!? NO! NO! I-I couldn't have possibly kill Avocato NO!"

Lord Commander: "You did and It's all your fault, so...you should die too."

Suddenly Pawblo is being strangled by the Lord Commander. As he was about to die....He wakes up and sees that he is in his bedroom with no Lord commander but wakes up with panting loudly, results to waking up Avocato who is sleeping beside him. Avocato heard Pawblo and quickly hugs him.

Avocato: "Pawblo! What? What is it!?"

Pawblo was just panting with Avocato hugging him. Avocato notices that their the only ones in the bedroom.

Avocato: "Nightmare?"

Pawblo: "Huh, Yeah."

Avocato: "Wanna talk about it?"

Pawblo: *Sobs*

Avocato: "Aww, Pawblo? What is it? You can tell me anything."

Pawblo: "I-I thought I killed you. It was about me witnessing a video of me killing you while being brainwashed by the Lord Commander." *Sobs*

Avocato: "Pawblo~." *Hugs him tightly* "I know you would never do that."

Pawblo: "But what if-"

Pawblo was interrupted by Avocato putting finger to his lips and wiping the tears off of hus face.

Avocato: "Shhh...Pawblo It wasn't your fault, that happened to Little Cato too, and remember you never did kill me. You've always been there to save me, it just proves how much you really do love me, besides, I'd rather die by your hands then The Lord Commander's."

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