Warm and still deliciously huge he stayed inside of her, "you ok?" he whispered her back to life, "dumb question, Leto, more than ok"she licked his lips that had worked so much magic on her "intense, really intense and you're always so..hard, you never dissapoint, I love it" smiling and shivering from her orgasm that slowly faded she pushed the sweaty strands of hair from his face. "I love you so much.." he pushed a kiss on the tip of her nose, she smiled but then she started squirming a little "wait..wait.." he slowly pulled out and rolled off of her, "I'm sorry but I really need to go pee" in her own quirky way she got up and beelined to the bathroom. A few minutes later when she was washing her hands, her eyes fell on it and she gasped, uh-oh.."Oh no.." he heard the sharp sigh full of what sounded like despair. Behind her she heard a worried knock on the door before it opened ever so slowly "what is it? what's wrong?" his eyes met her anxious ones in the mirror, she simply pointed at something on the glass tablet underneath the mirror in front of her, "what?" was it a spider? just tell me because I'm not good at solving riddles. "This" she picked up a blister with pills and held it up to him, "ohhh" it dawned on him what she was holding, "yes oh!" she sighed and leaned forward, hanging and shaking her head "I'm sorry, in all this mayhem, I forgot to take them, how stupid can I be?". Her anxiety and worry were actually endearing, gently he pushed himself up against her back and folded his arms around her waist, "don't worry" he whispered and kissed her ear, "don't worry? You serious? I'll go get the morningafter pill, do they still sell those?..the shops will open in a few hours" she mumbled, getting lost in her worried thoughts. "Ok, come on" he took the blister from her hands, threw it back on the sink and scooped her up in his arms, carrying her back to the bed, put her gently down and started another kissing session that escalated in a few seconds. "Nonono, oh no, you don't! Stop..oh that's nice" she giggled and squirmed when his teeth scraped against her throat "ok, no, stop, I'm being serious" she reluctantly put her hand against his chest and pushed him away just a little. "So am I" he pushed himself up on his elbows, but their bodies still connected "so what if you forgot a couple of pills?"he had this weird, calm smile, confusing much? "Oh I don't know..lemme think" she sarcastically put her indexfinger to her head "oh I know, I might get pregnant..if I'm not already, sometimes one shot is all it takes, or at least that wouldn't surprise me from you". No reaction, just that goofy smile still plastered on his lips "So what? I still don't see the problem", oh for crying out loud, she really needed to spell it out, didn't she? "I do, because I don't want to be..pregnant, nope, no way, not gonna happen, I've got stuff to do, and that doesn't include getting vomited on, changing nappies or soothing anger tantrums" shemuttered.
"And I'm pretty sure you're not exactly jumping at the thought of being woken up after a show by a screaming kid either" ,he kept smiling no matter the horror scenario she tried to picture,uh-oh.., "I'm gonna be honest here, Coco..I wouldn't mind becoming a Dad" ok, give me a minute to recover from that. "Interesting.."she swallowed hard "I'm gonna be honest too, I'm not" their eyes locked for a second, a flash of disappointment coloured his blue pools a little darker. "You said 'becoming', are you sure you're not a father already?", her question had him roll off of her with a sigh and stared at the ceiling, "come on, Jared, everyone knows you're no angel, with all those women in your past..I can't help but wonder if there's not already a little Leto-girl or boy running around somewhere". Jared closed his eyes and shook his head, she didn't blame him, she just stated the obvious, "not that I know of, and if there was, don't you think the mother would've come forward to demand her 15 minutes of fame and more importantly: alimony? That's what they're all interested in..money..". Coco shuffled closer and put her head on his chest "all of them? I'm not interested in yourmoney.." she sighed, "no, you're absolutely not, you're not even interested in babies for that matter, so I stand corrected, 'all of them bar the fabulous Harper'" he smiled. "Better, much better thank god for the lighter mood, at least his mind was taken off that ridiculous idea of babies, phew, "it's obviously too soon for us to be talking about such a touchy subject, so I'll let you off the hook this time, but I'm not giving up, I'll just let you get used to the idea" he firmly stated, what? Nope! No way, this ain't never gonna grow on me, not gonna happen, keep dreaming, Leto. His fingers slowly combed through her long hair "what do you say we try to get a little bit more sleep, we'll deal with reality in a couple of hours, alright?" he yawned, thinking of jumping on another plane out of NY and back to Europe had him shivering. "Fine, you win..for now, but you're not off the hook, I want to know more about your previous escapades" she snuggled closer to him, "I'll telll you mine if you tell me yours" he rolled his eyes, please let her forget about all this nonsense in the morning? This could possibly get us into more trouble "Deal!" she happily sighed and closed her eyes "but I'm still getting that morning after pill..in the morning", fine,ok, smartass, you win..this time!.