the team up

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???:so that's what happen today.

(Y/n):huh that is wierd but im calling for help where im at brother.

???:ok then where you at?

(Y/n):Honnouji academy is at a certain part of japan.

???:ok ill see what i can do.

(Timeskip 10:30am)

Satsuki's pov

Everything was normal but in a few minutes the lights began flickering in the office thinking something is wrong with the breaker my elite gurdians were about to investigate but my cameras with microphones on it caught talking and two silhouettes on it began talking.

???:alright (y/n)2 did you find the next button?

(Y/n)2:yes i did (y/n) its in the janitors closet.

(Y/n):ok go ahead and press it.

Once....(y-y/n) said that the light in the office began flicking in morse code it was too fast but the camera's caught them talking.

(Y/n):(y/n)2 you caught that?

(Y/n)2:yep what now?

(Y/n):now we head to the graveyard.

Thinking on what (y/n) said we all rewind back on the lights flashing playing it slowly gamagori was able to read it as follow "when night falls over the grave site a shadow lurks with the dead can you find it💀"

(Timeskip 12am)

(Y/n):ok now let's explore search the tombstones and see what we can find.

(Y/n)2:👍 plus respect the dead

Then both brother's began exploring the grave site but they both stumble upon a strange site the was no name and date on a tombstone and a shovel and pickaxe near it but hearing a strang noise in it they began digging the grave then open the coffin seeing nothing inside it only seeing a small button(y/n) volunteered for pressing the butoon but not knowing two shadows watching them.

Satsuki's pov

I followed the message and see that it's located at the cemetery and both of them opening a casket. But then (y/n) did something in the casket to make it pop with smoke and heard a scream then seeing (y/n) gone but (y/n)2 was still there.

(Y/n) pov

Once i pressed the button smoke blasted at my face and i fell face first into a tunnel i tried to call (y/n)2 but the earpice was broken and i tried to see of he can get me but it closed but i see multiple tunnels and a compass in front of me but turning it around i see a little message from the man himself.

Message:can you find a way out good luck-jjju

After that i chuckled to myself but knowing something of the tunnel is that i see tripwires in every tunnel but i see a few that were planned out cause i toss a rock at one tunnel and it caved in but a few had a decent reward lime every tunnel i come across i see a chest filled with jewels and 35 thousand in coins but when i touch them the room would filled up with mustard gas but passing a few tunnels i saw one that was odd it had nothing but broken wood pices saying simpson but a small case in the center i open it and picked a amazing weapon that's never leaving my sight.

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