the fight pt 2

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Once satsuki step foot to makos house but before she could reach the door knob the door was kicked open pushing satsuki back only to see ryuko stepping out but she had a angry look on her face.

Ryuko:WHERE IS HE!!👿


They both stared each other down till they both ran towards each other and clash at each other with there blades.

(Cell block 269)

(Y/n):I want my phone call!!

Ganagori:your not gonna get it so stop asking for it!!!!!


nonon:*sighs* can't he just shut up already?

Inumuta:ill handle it.

Then Inumuta then open the door the see (y/n) calmy tapping the walls to a beat humming to a song until a phone landed near (y/n).

Inumuta:there who you gonna call?


Inumuta:what's funny?

(Y/n):what you said "who you gonna call" it reminds me of something.



Inumuta:your such a child

But on the other side gamagori was keeping an eye on the 9 mercenarys that they captured from the deal from yesterday. But from all 9 of them one stand out odd from the rest for one had a mask but this mask was strange as it had a american flag on it. But there was a explosion that interrupted everyone investigating what happen they see the cell that (y/n) was in now burnt and the cell bars all over the hall. But now seeing Inumuta up against the wall.

Uzu:what happen!!

Inumuta:you won't believe me when i say this but (y/n) exploded.

Gamagori:what do you mean by that.

Inumuta:like once he had my phone he pressed a button and then exploded don't believe me look.

That's when Inumuta pulled out (y/n)'s head but until they all see wires in started to sparking.

Gamagori:that's not (y/n) its a cyborg!

Uzu:well where is h-

Inumuta:hey are you ok-

That's when gamagori see both uzu and inumuta collapse to the floor but he see something in there neck looking closer it looks like darts on them but then he felt a little sting and turned around to see (y/n) but in the same outfit and mask from the deal but was a bit dusty.


(Y/n):what lost for words?

Gamagori:ah it just how?!

That's when (y/n) pulled out two phone's

(Y/n):1 i can track people's name's from my phone even if they block there name's and 2 i had a feeling you four and the "queen" had something fishy that's why i placed small microphones on the rest of you and Satsuki's collar as well.

That's when gamagori felt a small round piece ripping it out he see's that (y/n) was telling the truth that really freaked him out. But gamagori then see (y/n) pulled out something but then see's a flash and his ears began ringing.


Mako and the rest were having a small lunch when there wall burst open to see satsuki on the floor but jumped up fast only to be shoulder rammed by ryuko as they both were outside again.


Satsuki:*panting*WHERE ARE THE CODES!!

Ryuko:what do you mean by codes!?!

Satsuki:don't play dumb (y/n) told me where there at

Ryuko:what do you me-


That's when there was an explosion that irrupted there fight but seeing it's the academy satsuki then turned to matoi who was gone going to the academy she see's 5 fireman with hoses still trying to put out the fire but she see's 3 paramedics with nonon uzu and inumuta with there eye's close.

Satsuki:what happen?

Paramedics:there fine they out cold someone must have shot him with this.

Satsuki see's they were tranquilizer darts.

Satsuki:*whispering* what are you😠

That's when gamagori told satsuki what happen.

Gamagori:that's when he blind me with a flashbang gernade that's when i see the mercenary's were gone.

Satsuki:All of them!?

Gamagori:yes ma'am

Satsuki:my god (y/n) planned to get caught he knew the deal would go south.

(Meanwhile with (y/n) and Ryuko)

(Meanwhile with (y/n) and Ryuko)

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End credits song:

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