𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓞𝓷𝓮: 𝒜𝓃𝒶𝒽ℯ𝒾𝓂

873 17 5

Oct. 22, Monday


Third POV

'I'll see you tomorrow, bye." Jasmine told her friends back home.

At the moment, the girl was on a modeling trip and this was her final stop, Anaheim. After her final shoot, she had time to spare before going home Tuesday morning, so she decided to be lazy for once. While chilling in her hotel room, there was a knock at the door.

Jasmine's POV

Who the fuck knows I'm here?

I opened the door and by my surprise, it was my ex.

"Hi, Z." He looked pissed, possibly by the fact that I didn't tell him I was coming to Cali.

"Tell me which one sounds worst. The fact that we are on our first headlining tour and we only have like two fits each night or the fact that on our third tour stop I had to find out that my ex was here by my band mate liking a pic on insta." He said letting himself into my room and placing a bouquet of red roses on the table.


"I mean in my opinion having to wear the same clothes every night sounds awful." He turned facing me then took my hands.

"Do you really think that's worse than not seeing you?" He asked, staring deep into my eyes. God those big brown orbs really- snap out of it Jas.

"Aren't you the one that broke up with me?" I rebutted.

He sighed throwing his head back. "Long distance isn't healthy for two people like us."

"What does that even mean? What is so different about us that we can't have 'that kind' of relationship?"

Zion's POV

The truth is, I don't trust myself. I'd rather have her be upset over a breakup than if I cheated on her. On my life, I would never do anything to hurt her, I love her too much to hurt her. But our lifestyles combined don't match. We have no time to see each other. She's a model, I'm in a band. There's too much math in that equation for me to even try it.

"I don't want to hurt you, Jazzy."

"How the fuck are you going to hurt me? I thought you loved me." She croaked.

I immediately pulled her into my arms. "You have no idea of how much I love you." I whispered.

She picked her head off my chest and said, "Then show me."

Third POV

Zion picked her up and laid her onto her bed. She sat up and connected their lips. It carried on until her sweats and his shirt were discarded. Jasmine watched as he kissed down the valley of her breast to the rim of her underwear. He looked up with lustful eyes and slowly pulled down her thong. She bit her lip as he left no time and wrapped her legs around his shoulders. Zion being the teasing god, kissed the insides of her thighs missing her most wanted exposed area.

"Zion, stop-"

She was interrupted by a moan as he went straight to work, diving right into her waters leaving the girl a moaning mess. Her fingers tangled in his loose dreads as he ate her out.

"Fuck baby, I'm about to-"

Moans and squeals replaced her words as the vast amount of pressure was released followed by her sweet juices trickling down her thighs.

"Shiiit, I love it when you squirt." He uttered devouring her sweetness.

"Fuck some things never change." She mumbled biting her lip.

"Oh baby we're not done, but I have rehearsal." He pouted standing up.

She pulled him back towards the bed to say. "I'll see you after the show." Then locked their lips together for one last kiss.

"Meet you back here after 10." Zion muttered putting his shirt back on, but leaving her his hoodie. Jasmine smiles at the fact that he meant what he said earlier.

"I promised you all my love and that's what your getting." He said pulling her off the bed after she put on the hoodie.

"I love you, Caleb."

He chuckled. "I love you more, beauty." She blushed as he let go and walked towards the door.

He winked at her one last time before leaving. As the door closed she tightly clutched the hoodie and fell back onto the bed.

"He promised."

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A/N: How'd y'all like the first part??
The chapters are laid out by city btw, this also took place during Funktion Tour. I just wanted to put that out there.😁 Ok sooooo, the dates have to do with Funktion BUT the songs are current... i think.🤦🏽‍♀️

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