Chapter 2

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Sean and Neil were the first to arrive.

"You really dressing up for this?" Neil asked.

"Well, I am the newly elected mayor. And the party's in my honor anyways. So yes, I have to dress up for this occasion."

"Should we ring the doorbell?" Neil asked. "Or should we head in?"

"Ring. It'll be safer if he knows we've arrived."

"Fine," he said, ringing the doorbell.

A butler opens the door.

"Welcome, sirs," he said. "Mark has been... expecting you. He will be down shortly. In the meantime, would you like a drink?"

Sean and Neil exchange a glance. Neil shrugged, leaving the decision to Sean.

"We're good," Sean answered.

"Still suspicious of him?" the butler asked. "Don't worry, we all have our suspicions. Even me. Mark hasn't been... himself these last few weeks. He's been locking himself in his room more often every day. I still don't know what he's doing. The staff are all worried."

"Has anyone else arrived?" Neil wondered.

"Patrick's taken up residence here for some time," the butler answered. "He's been working on a case."

"The mystery man is at it again," Sean muttered. "And Sam?"

"He's been here for quite some time."

The doorbell rings again.

"Excuse me," the butler said, moving past them.

He opened the door.

"Welcome, misses. It's good to see you again."

Amy replied, "It's been a while, Winfield. How's your family?"

"They're doing fine, thank you very much."

Amy asked, "Am I the first to arrive?"

She notices Neil and Sean.

"Sean! Neil! I haven't seen you in a while! It's good to see you again. Congratulations on your election, Mayor."

"Thank you, Amy."

"How's Mark doing?" she asked.

"He's not been well. Be careful tonight," Sean told them.

"Allow me to show you to the lounge," Winfield suggested. "It's a lot more roomier than this cramped entryway."

"Good idea," Amy said. "We can talk there. Joseph and Carson are on they're way."

In reality, Carson's car was stuck in the mud. Cursing, he got out and tried to solve the problem manually. An old military Jeep passed by, honking.

"Joseph!" Carson yelled. "Get out of your dumb rig and help me! This isn't Africa!"

The Jeep pulled over, with Joseph stepping out.

"Why are you dressed like you're ready for an expedition?" Carson asked, shaking his head.

"Well, I am leaving on one tomorrow. This is a new uniform as well," Joseph responded. "I thought it would be good to get a feel for it."

"Eccentric as ever," Carson said. "You're going back, even after what happened the last time you went hunting?"

"I have to, it's what I do best."

"Can you give me a ride?" Carson asked, gesturing to his car. "As you can see, it's quite stuck."

"Of course, anything for a friend."

Arriving at the mansion, they walked to the door together.

"Why don't you go in first," Joseph suggested, bowing slightly. "I have an old superstition about being the last guest inside."

"Okay..." Carson said in confusion, ringing the doorbell.

Winfield opened the door.

"Ah, Colonel Joseph and Mr. Matthews. It's good to see your faces again."

"The pleasure is quite mine, Winfield. Where are the others?" Joseph asked. "Are they well?"

"Quite well, I can assure you. Mark? Not so much... Here allow me to take your coat."

Joseph handed his coat to the butler, followed by Carson.

"I will now lead you to the lounge. Follow me, please."

They allow themselves to be led to the lounge. Once they arrive, they find everyone waiting for them.

"Joseph! Carson!" Neil exclaimed. "We haven't seen you in a while!"

"None of us have," Sean muttered. "It's been a year since we last saw each other."

"That's what makes it special!"

"Will you quit being so annoying?"

"It's all right," Carson said. "Does anyone know where Patrick and Sam are?"

"My brother's busy at the moment," Sam replied.

"Where's Mark?" Joseph demanded.

"Welcome, welcome, one and all!" Mark exclaimed, elegantly walking down a staircase leading to the upper rooms. "I am quite happy to see all your faces again."

Raising his hands, he continues, saying, "Before we have questions, I want to congratulate my brother Sean on his recent election to mayor of this small town! Give a big round of applause for Mayor Sean Edwards!"

Cheers and clapping soon fill the room. Sean waves, taking a bow amidst the smattering applause.

"Now, to celebrate, who's ready for some poker?" Mark asked, rubbing his hands.

"I think we all are!" Sean yelled.

Inside, he had his doubts. But so did everyone else. He and Neil doubted what Mark really brought them together for. Joseph doubted if Mark really forgave him. Carson doubted if getting the gang together was a good idea. Amy doubted what was going on. And Patrick, of course, doubted Mark's reason for hiring him. As the night slipped away, those doubts were forgotten as they played poker together, drank together, and been merry together. At the night's end, each one thought, It's good to have the gang back together.

Good? No. Deadly? Yes.

Alter, Book 1: Unleashing EvilWhere stories live. Discover now